“Let us figure that out ourselves. She’s a grown woman.” I shot back.

Stefan paused and took a deep breath before talking. “I’m trying to be the brother I should’ve been to her all those years. I don’t want anyone to hurt her again.”

I smiled, “And you’re doing a great job, Stefan. Just don’t overdo it.”

“I looked into Kade after he was escorted from the building. He’s a loser with a past and a restraining order that Mandy placed—a lot of good it’s doing. I don’t trust that stalker, and Cherly is his target.” Stefan said.

I nodded, “Well, maybe look into that a bit more. But you’d better talk to Mandy first. You don’t want to piss her off by going behind her back. I’ll support you and help in any way.”

Stefan nodded, “Thank you. Since we’re talking about sisters, I’d better let you know I’ve got a crush on your little sister.”

My eyes widened as I stared at him and burst into laughter. “You have a crush on my pesky little sister, Bella?”

“She’s not pesky. She’s quite adorable.”

I laughed. “I don’t want to discuss my little sister with you. And how soon they forget… Didn’t you give me a little of the third degree regarding your sister?”

Stefan frowned, “It wasn’t that bad, and you know it. Besides, we just talked about mine.”

I groaned, “Fine. What do you want to know?”

“I want to get to know her better, but she’s never around. She’s always traveling.”

“That’s good because she can be quite meddlesome and annoying.”

“Cut her some slack. You’re more than just annoying,” Stefan said.

“Aren’t we the comedian? Ha ha. Have you thought maybe, just maybe, you should tell her about this little crush of yours?” I asked, pushing aside his rude comment.

“Not yet. I don’t want to freak her out,” Stefan replied.

“How do you know if you like someone?” I suddenly asked.

Stefan eyed me suspiciously, “How’d you know you had feelings for Jessica, enough you’d want to marry her?”

I was suddenly dumbfounded. No one has ever asked me that question before. I didn’t have a logical answer. What was my attraction to Jessica in the first place? Why’d I want to marry her?

It finally hit me. I didn’t love Jessica enough to marry her. We looked good as a couple, and I thought it was the next logical step to get married.

My problem was how she rejected my proposal. Her devious lies and accusing me of hurting her was complete humiliation. But the ultimate blow? Jessica chose my rival Jamie- over me. My pride was getting in the way.

None of these reasons had anything to do with matters of the heart. Could it be that I never truly loved Jessica? I wondered as I looked at Stefan, my face blank of expression.

Stefan answered with complete confidence. “You never loved her.”

“I don’t know, Stefan, it’s all messed up in my head. I don’t think we should continue on this path of my feelings. Tonight isn’t the best time to discuss love or my past relationship with Jessica.”

Stefan nodded, “I understand. We’ll table it for now. But let’s get back to your sister. Will you do me a solid and talk to her about me? Will you find out if she’s interested in me or has any feelings for me?”

“So, you want me to be your wingman,” I smirked.

“Don’t act so cocky,” Stefan groaned, and I laughed.

“All right, I’ll help you. In return, don’t ask Mandy to stay away from me. Let her make her own decisions. She’s smart. I think your warning snuck up on her,” I said.

“Don’t hurt her. I think you’ll have to prove yourself to her before Mandy can be comfortable around you,” he shrugged.

I nodded, “I need to get going. I’ve lots of things to take care of before tomorrow morning.”