“Of course. You’re right. I feel like hitting a plank on his head for pulling that one on me.”

Bella laughed again. Her laughter was smooth and quite contagious.

“You know, you both are acting just like couples act. How he pulled that stunt with you, and how angry you are. It’s giving off couples vibes.”

I paused and fixed my eyes on her. I was stunned and wanted to speak but couldn’t find the right words. My hands began to shake, my eyes blinking continuously.

“I think you are…” she interrupted me.

“Do you like him? You seem like you do.” Bella asked.

Her question threw me off balance. I swallowed hard and became so uncomfortable.

Do I like him? I asked myself.

Chapter seven


Iwasspeechless.Icouldn’t come up with the right words to say. I wasn’t able to think straight. Why would Bella assume I liked Roger? What would give her reasons for thoughts like that to cross her mind? I took a deep breath, started the ignition, and didn’t respond.

“You aren’t going to answer my question? Does that mean you like him?” She asked, sounding so excited.

My heart thumped heavily against my chest. I began to regret that I offered her a ride. Why did I? I wouldn’t be in this situation now if I’d kept my mouth shut.

“Can we drop the question, please?” I finally said. I couldn’t stand it any longer, hoping that she’d agree.

“If you don’t want to discuss it, it means only one thing. You like him. You like him… It’s not a big deal. I have to find out if he likes you,’” she exclaimed, leaving me in shock.

“What do you mean?”

“Exactly what I said.” Bella laughed.

“No, you’ll do no such things. I can’t have Roger getting mad at me for no reason,” I insisted. My heart began to race against my chest.

“You don’t have to worry about anything. You leave it to me. I’ll take care of this.” Her words didn’t give me any reassurance.

I glanced at her, and I couldn’t help but wonder why she was giggling. I smiled.

The entire drive back, Bella chattered the whole time. From her experience in her city down to the little details about Roger. I appreciated the info, though I didn’t ask for it.

“I just hope it works out. I’d be so excited.” She muttered suddenly. I had a hunch she was hinting at me and Roger.

“What are you hoping works?” I asked at once, staring at her.

“It’s nothing. Just some random thoughts.” I could see through her lie. I wasn’t ready to argue with her, so I dropped it.

We arrived at the intimidating skyscraper that housed Roger’s company a few minutes later. I parked the car as fear ran through me. The memories of my time with Roger flooded my mind.

How would Bella react when she found out the truth? It ran through my thoughts as I worried. I couldn’t begin to comprehend the outcome.

“Is anything wrong? You look lost in your thoughts,” she asked, startling me.

“It’s nothing. I just had some random thoughts come up,” I lied.

How could I bring myself to spill the truth to her?

“Oh, all right. Let’s go. I can’t wait to see the excitement on his face the moment he sees me.” She was excited to see her brother. Somehow, I shared in her joy. I was carrying a part of Roger in me.