“Yes, that’s my brother.”

“Really? That is unbelievable. Well, it’s nice to meet you, Roger’s sister. I’m Mandy, Roger’s new admin. I’m glad we bumped into each other and met. It’s taken my mind off how long I have waited here. I’m here to meet an important client who hasn’t shown up. I’ve been here well over thirty minutes.”

“I’m Bella, and I’ve just arrived in New York. I didn’t want Roger to know. I decided to stay in a hotel until tomorrow when I surprise him. Promise you won’t tell him you saw me, at least not today.”

“That could be very hard, but I promise. It will stay just between us girls.”

“Thank you so much. I want to avoid all of his lecturing for now. It’s the last thing I want to deal with today.” Bella flung her hands in the air as she rolled her eyes.

“I understand completely. Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” I assured her as I sat on the chair behind me. She did the same as well.

“By the way, why are you here? Did you say you’re here to meet someone?” Bella seemed quite curious. She matched my energy, instantly making me feel like we were friends.

“Yes. Roger asked me to meet with an important client and give them a file. But there’s been no sign of the client, and I’ve just been waiting.”

“Exactly how long have you been waiting here?”

“Half an hour before you arrived. It’s frustrating when someone is a no-show. You’d think they would have the decency to tell someone if they can’t make it. It’s irritating and a little disrespectful.”

“Are you sure there’s even a client you’re meeting here?” Bella asked.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I’m just saying, well, my brother can be so unpredictable…” she trailed off.

“So are you implying that there may not be a client for me to meet? That he just sent me on a wild goose chase?”

“Well, I can’t be sure. But I’d call him to find out where the so-called client is.” Bella laughed.

I remained quiet for a few seconds and immediately picked up my phone and called Roger. He picked up on the first ring, and his voice sounded funny. I prayed that Bella wasn’t right because I’d let him have it when I returned to the office.

“Hello, I want to confirm if the client is still coming.”

“Geez! I thought I told you already?” He smirked.

“No, you didn’t. So what is it?” I was starting to guess. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“The client called to cancel and will come pick it up tomorrow,” he announced. He hung up before I could speak a word. I bet he was laughing under his breath. I clenched my hands into fists as I put down my phone.

“Was I right?” Bella asked, her eyes blinking continuously.

“He said the client canceled,” I muttered. Immediately, Bella burst into laughter. I stared at her, wondering why she had to laugh so hard, why she was rubbing it in.

“There’s no reason for me to stay here. I’d like us to meet up some other time if you would be interested. I’ve enjoyed talking with you.”

“Yes. I would like that. Well, on second thought, I should probably see Roger today. I’ve some things I need to discuss with him that shouldn’t be put off until tomorrow.” Bella commented.

“Okay. I do, too.”

“Huh?” Bella said with a question in her voice.

“Well, I have several things I need to discuss with him. I mean, when I get back to the office,” I chimed in. I picked up my bag, ready to leave. I looked at Bella and asked, “Would you like to ride with me to the office? I drove here.”

“Yes. That would be great. It’s so nice of you to offer,” she thanked me. We went to the parking lot to find my car, and I opened the back car door for Bella, but she hopped in the front seat.

I was fuming with anger as I got into my car. I knew it was all in vain, and I couldn’t do anything about Roger’s little goose chase he sent me on.

“I can see you’re upset with him. I think you might want to calm down. It won’t do any good being so upset,” Bella suggested.