Page 20 of Dirty Plans

Dick sticks for a dick move. Shoulda stuck to the plan.

I shake my head and walk through the club and toward my office. Time’s ticking and the doors are gonna open soon. Once that happens, getting a moment of silence will be impossible.

When I get to my office, I pull up my chair and wiggle the mouse to wake up the computer. Once I log in, I pull back, staring at the email that’s still front and center on the screen.

“Shit,” I mumble, ignoring it and opening up Chrome.

I type in Lily’s maiden name into the search bar:Lilian Boyd

Holding my breath, I lean in and scroll past the first two because they’re about someLilian Boydin Pennsylvania who scored for her girl’s basketball team.

I click on the one I really don’t want to read.


Lilian Boyd and Seth Larson were married on August 18that the Anchor Point Community Church in Duluth, Minnesota. Lilian is the daughter of Daniel & Tracy Boyd of Duluth. Seth is the son of Miranda and Trent Larson of Hermantown. The Matron of Honor was Anastasia Wilde, a friend of the bride. The Best Man was Ben Strode, a friend of the groom. The bride and groom met at the University of Minnesota. The couple resides in Lester Park.

The first time I read that article, I was appalled by whoever wrote it because it was as bland as humanly possible. A wedding announcement should have character—and symbolize the kind of love the couple shares. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I’d want to read that, either. But that’s what itshouldbe.

At the time, I was pissed they didn’t even post a picture to go with the boring ass announcement. Now, I have to admit, I’m glad I don’t have to stare at her husband’s face or see how excited she was on her special day.

I should have been there.

Sighing, I do what I didn’t have the strength to do last time.

“Fuck, I hate social media,” I mutter, opening up my ancient Facebook account. I haven’t touched the damn thing since I was in high school and even then, it was infrequently. I was too busy joyriding and getting tattoos to dispel the nerdy image I used to have to think about social media.

But if I know Lily, she’ll be on there.

First, I type her maiden name and pray she shows up.

Of course, she doesn’t.

I close my eyes, fighting internally.

I should leave it here.

If she wants to tell me her life story, she can do it over coffee.

But of course, my fingers type the name anyway:Lilian Larson

A few seconds later, the search results come up. There, at the top of the list, is the woman who just blushed her way through the door of Dirty Deeds.

Fuck.She’s still married.

I stare at that beautiful smile. Her dazzling eyes and deep dimples capture the entire scene.

But underneath her name is a short bio. My heart skips a beat and I lean forward, rereading it because I can’t believe my luck.

Right there, in black and white, it says:

Freelance Event Coordinator. Creating an unforgettable event is an art form. I can help you plan and execute it. Reach out. The planning starts over a cup of coffee.

Suddenly, this stupid event the boss wants just might be the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to me.

