Cal pops his head in, a wide smirk spreading across his face. “You look like you’re about to toss your cookies.”
Despite feeling very much like a man about to puke his guts up, I take the opportunity to flick him off.
Just like always, Cal laughs it off and takes a seat opposite my desk. “Are you ready for the games to begin, lover boy?”
I inhale sharply, patting my pocket. “Is she here?”
He chuckles. "Well, Quinn says she’s already seen him for his clue. The rest of the Dirty B's are in position and Tasia just messaged that she and Lily left her establishments. So, it should be any minute now.”
A wave of nervousness sweeps over me. It's not just about the proposal, but reliving our journey with our friends playing such a significant role.
Let’s be honest here, as much as I adore them, they’re all wild cards.
“You okay?” Cal presses again, this time his expression more pointed.
I breathe in deeply and exhale, trying to calm my nerves.
“I’ve always imagined this day, but experiencing it is something else,” I admit, running a hand through my hair.
Cal smirks at me and nods.
I shake my head and itch the side of my temple. “It's like standing at the edge of a precipice, knowing the leap is worth it, but the fear of falling is stillveryreal.”
Cal watches me for a moment before finally saying, “Saint, she loves you, man. Remember that. All of this, the heist, the rooftop, the meticulous planning and hoops you’ve had all of us jumping through”—a pointed look in my direction—“It’s just the setting for tonight’s magic. Your story, yourlove, that’s the real deal.”
A small chime sounds, indicating a message on my phone. Both of us turn to look as the screen lights up.
It’s a text from Quinn with an update on the clue trail.
She’s seen Vivian. Third clue done. They’re on the move.
Cal leans back, rubbing his hands together. "And so it begins."
I can't help but smile. “Here goes nothing.”
"Do you think she'll figure out all the clues? Some of them are pretty cryptic.” Cal raises an eyebrow, his smirk returning full force.
"Lily's a smart woman. But just in case, I’ve got backup plans. And backup plans for my backup plans."
"Always the strategist.” He chuckles.
The room falls into a brief silence, the weight of the night settling in.
Suddenly, Cal's expression grows more serious. "You remember the first time you finally admitted to yourself you were in love with her?"
I nod, the memory vivid. It feels like it was yesterday.
"You were scared shitless,” Cal continues. "Scared of ruining what you two had, scared of not being enough for her. But here's the thing, Saint—she's always seen you. Reallyseenyou. Even when you tried to hide, even when you doubted yourself."
I swallow hard, all of the memories flooding back. "I just don't want to let her down. This has to be special.”
Cal leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees. "You won't let her down. All these clues, the planning, it's impressive, yeah. But it's the heart behind them that counts. And if there's one thing I know about you, it's that your heart has always been in the right place when it comes to her."
Suddenly, my phone chimes again.
Another update.
I glance at the message and my heart skips a beat.