Page 112 of Dirty Plans

My chin quivers as I watch him stand up and walk away.

There’s suddenly not enough oxygen in this room.

Not enough space to allow me to breathe.

I stand up, snatching my phone, and shoving it in my pocket. Then, I stride to the front door.

I need a walk to clear my head.

I need to think about everything that just happened.

I need to …get out of this house.



Sitting in my truck, I debate for the hundredth time whether or not to just drive to Lily’s house to warn her.

Instead, I clutch my phone like a lifeline and dial again.

No answer.

I drop it to my flap and run my hands through my hair.

“Fuck,” I ground out.

Then, a notification comes through.

It’s a text …from Lily.

London, I need you. Things are falling apart. Please, can you come?

My fingers fly across the keypad.

Where are you?

A second later, her response comes through.


She texts me the address, but I have it memorized from her employment records.

On my way.

The escalade is on the road before I have time to question it but it’s still the longest drive of my life.

When I pull up, I find her sitting on her front porch steps, her face in her hands.

Slowly, I make my way over, not wanting to startle her. “Lily …”

She glances up and her face contorts into one of so much heartache, that I can’t help but wrap my arms around her and tug her into me.

Her body wracks against mine and the tears flow effortlessly.

My eyelids slam shut and my heart sinks as I hold her close.

Too late.