Page 10 of Dirty Plans

“You own the adult toy shop, too?” Carlie replies, her eyes distant as she processes.

“Yep,” Tasia says, letting the P pop.

“I’m impressed. I assumed it was some dirty old man.” Carlie chuckles after a moment. “I guess that was a bit presumptuous.”

“What can I say? I’m a rebel. Stereotypes are the bane of my existence,” Tasia quips. “Now, who’s gonna go hound Quinn for the mail so you can relay back to me whether his eye twitches or his scowl concretizes?”

“Why do you bother asking? You know little Miss Goody is going to go,” Anna drawls, picking up a new bottle of wine and grabbing the opener.

All eyes turn on me.

After an awkward stare-down, I slap my thighs and stand up. “I guess I’ll go.”

At least when I come back, there will be more wine. And Anna better save my damn spot.



Istare at the email, but for as long as I take in the splotches of black on white, I can’t make heads or tails of it.

It doesn’t make a damn bit of sense.

I’ve been back in the Twin Ports for six months, peanuts compared to most of my employees, but even I know that Club Nocté has a reputation for being the area’s best-kept secret.

It’s a bigfuck-youto the people who, in my mind, deserve it.

Plus, there’s an air of mystery to the club that you don’t get with most businesses.

It’s refreshing.

I’ve worked nightclubs since I was eighteen but this one—it’s different. It has two modes of operation and because of its rules, it draws in an interesting clientele that needs an outlet for their …frustrations.

But this email…

I’m supposed to figure out how to host an event that could fuck it all up. If word gets out, the rules of the club could break down, and outsiders will try to force their way in. People with deep pockets and greasy hands.

All thewrongpeople.

I might be the manager, but I’m not equipped to handle this kind of bullshit and neither is the rest of the staff. Things have been going fine. At least, I thought they were.

However, the order came down from‘on high’and it’s not my place to question it. The boss gets what the boss wants.

Besides, his crazy ideas have gotten Nocté this far.

There’s gotta be a master plan buried in the details somewhere. I’m just not privy to it.

“Hey, Saint,” Cal says, rapping his knuckles on the frame of my office door.

My eyes shift from the computer monitor to him.

Nocté isn’t due to open for another few hours, but like clockwork, Cal is one of the first ones here. As head of security, he likes to spend a few minutes kicking the shit with me before making his rounds.

Gotta say, right now, I could use the distraction.

“S’up, Cal?” I mutter, as I push away from my desk and lean back in my chair.

“You looked awfully engrossed. Watchin’ porn?” He grins, sliding into the room like a golden panther. He takes up his typical spot on the opposite side of my desk.