“Jinx” he greets, my jealousy gnaws at my nerves as I sense the tension in the air.

“Hope, this is a surprise.” I met Jinx once before a few years ago, I didn’t think she would remember who I was by now.

“Please come in, we can talk inside.” I feel Trek’s hand on my lower back as he guides me in which surprises me as he has a strict no touching policy. I don’t say anything making as if I don’t notice but everything within me is focused on the feel of his warm hand under my open leather jacket just above the hem of my skirt over my black top.

As we enter there is a door to our left that must be some kind of front room as there are a few witches and two warlocks sitting in a circle chanting. Jinx makes her way towards the back of the house turning into what must be her office. “Please take a seat,” she invites pointing towards two chairs in front of the desk. “Would you like something to drink?” I am about to answer when Trek interjects.

“No, we are fine we just need you to come with us to speak to the King.” Trek’s reply has Jinx frowning, she inclines her head slightly as she looks at him.

“Why does the King want to talk to me?” while she speaks to Trek I look at her energy to see if there is any vestige of the evil that attacked us earlier through the Onix. What I sense from her is light and no darkness like the pure evil that attacked us.

“The King will tell you himself,” I see her features tense at Trek’s reply.

“You can’t expect me to just leave right now,” before Trek can reply and ignite a confrontation which will take longer to calm, I interject.

“I’m sorry for the sudden request, but it’s unfortunately an emergency that needs your input.” I see Trek’s frown at my interruption, but he doesn’t intervene.

“Well, I guess if it’s that urgent we shouldn’t delay, let me just tell someone I’m leaving, and I will meet you outside.” She walks towards the office door opening it for us to walk out. I make my way towards the door hearing Treks footsteps right behind me seeing the glare she throws at Trek as he walks past.

“What’s wrong?” I ask as we step outside sensing Trek’s restlessness.

“It was too easy,” I look at him to see him scanning the area around us.

“You think she’s in on it?” I ask as I too glance around.

“Don’t know, but that was too easy.” He mutters, “come let’s get you inside the SUV,” I can tell that Trek is sensing danger and I have learnt through the years to trust his animalistic instinct.


The hair on the back of my neck is standing on end, danger is imminent, but I can’t tell from where it’s coming. My inner wolf is howling, wanting to break free and attack the danger that surrounds us. “On guard” I can warn the others that there is danger, but I know by their tense stances that they are also detecting the danger.

Jinx walks out of the house and then stops, she raises her hand as if feeling for something. I see a frown on her face as she suddenly rushes towards us. I jump out of the vehicle “Jinx what…” I am interrupted by her shout.

“Hurry, we need to leave NOW!” she is jumping into the seat next to Hope banging the door shut behind her, “Hurry,” she cries.

“What is going on?” Hope asks but Jinx is raising both her hands in the air mumbling under her breath, I feel the air changing as she continues to chant. We are speeding away as I start sensing evil surrounding us like a blanket of darkness. I glance back to see Hope close her eyes and then her inner light is pushing out to surround us and the vehicle driving behind us, protecting us from the evilness that is trying to engulf everyone.

My fury is running rampage, but there is nowhere for it to attack, this enemy is stealth, hiding from sight where we can’t physically attack it. As soon as we drive past the gates of the Covenant the darkness dissipates, the oppressive pressure of evil lifts.

“What the hell is going on?” Jinx snaps a few minutes later, “What was that?” it is clear by her questions and scared expression that she isn’t aware of the curse that was in the Onix, or of the sacrifice done outside the portals.

“We don’t know what that is, but it has been attacking everyone.” Hope explains, “Eternity Fae is closed off, no one can go in or out.” Jinx glances at me in surprise and then back at Hope.

“How did we not know about this?” Jinx asks.

Jinx and I were involved but when I was called to guard Hope and found out that she was my mate I broke it off with Jinx. Hope has taken over my every fibre; I can’t even think of being with another woman. Jinx didn’t take rejection well; I didn’t want Hope to be anywhere near both of us as I don’t want her to know that I was involved with Jinx in the past. Even though Hope doesn’t yet know that she’s my mate, she will soon, and I know that she will not be pleased knowing that one of my old flames is close.

Hope is unpredictable, one minute she is calm and collected, the next she is wild and volatile like a volcano. When she is calm, she is a balm for my soul, a beauty which I could look upon for the rest of my life in peace. When she is volatile, she ignites an excitement within me that is all consuming, that makes me feel alive in a way that I have never felt before.

My mate is perfect in every way, even when she challenges me. Earlier when she pulled up her skirt before I saw her shorts, I was sure I was getting palpitations. She pushes me to violence even though I would never hurt her. The thought that another being would look upon her with lust drives my fury running rampage. When I saw her perfect body encased in her tight little shorts, I wanted to grab her and pull her close to me, kissing her passionately until she gave in, but instead I turned and walked away before I disgraced myself before the Sovereign King and Queen.

Now that I know the Queen and King give me their blessing, I will make sure that Hope knows that I am her mate and thatshe belongs to me. She might initially fight me, but I know that mates can’t stay away from each other for long, therefore I know that she will give in, in the end.

“Trek” I tense when I feel Jinx hand on my shoulder as she calls my name. Sitting forward to break the contact I turn enough to look back at both women. I must have missed something that was said while my mind was wondering because Hope is now glaring at me, which has me tensing. Has Jinx said anything about our relationship?

“What?” I grind my teeth in irritation when I realize that I snapped in anger. I hear Jinx huff in annoyance before she replies.

“I asked if you weren’t able to track the culprit with your magic?” my eyes snap to Hope, I never told anyone that even though I’m a werewolf, I have magic in me because my mother was a witch. I can see that Hope is not happy about not knowing, but it’s not something which I tell people, and it was something that I was planning on telling Hope once we were mated.