A corner of her lips kick up in a half smile, and she says, “When we got enough money to establish ourselves in a place like this, I figured people would expect us to run our operations out of the Garment District. I hate being predictable. So I chose to steer clear.” She giggles and the melodious sound fills the space. “I know it’s silly, but it made sense at the time.”

“No, it’s not silly. I get it. I know you probably see me as ancient, but I remember being your age, you know, just starting out and wanting to stand out and prove yourself.”

She looks at me in thought for a moment before she says, “I don’t think you’re ancient…” she holds my gaze for a few seconds longer, then turns around and starts to walk away. “What do you say we get out of here? This place is starting to give me the creeps.”

Is it me or did she say that a little too suggestively? It takes me a moment before I kick into gear and walk after her. I catch up to her just before she reaches the main exit.

“Hey, can we talk for a moment?”

She stops. “Ummm, sure…”

“I just wanted to apologize about the other day. You know, when I questioned you about your family emergency. I shouldn’t have done that and I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”

She moves her clutch from one hand to the other, and says, “Thank you, but to be honest I’m the one who should be apologizing. I was a little too sharp with youthat day. You are my boss and have every right to question my whereabouts during work hours.”

“Yes, I may be your boss, technically, but you aren’t some intern trying to dodge work. It was disrespectful, and I am sorry.”

“Well, thank you.” She smiles.

“So, how’s your mother doing?”

“Oh, she’s fine. Well, as fine as a person with cancer can be.” She casts her eyes to the ground. She looks contemplative. So I know not to ask any other questions.

I walk by her and pull the door handle.

It doesn’t budge.

I try several more times, but nothing.

“I think the door is stuck,” I say.

“What?” she steps forward and tries it herself a couple times. When she gets the same results I did she huffs. “This can’t be happening. I didn’t tell anyone I was coming here.”

“Relax. We can call for help.” I pull my phone out of my pocket. When I see I have no reception I ask, “Do you have any bars? Because I don’t.”

“She opens her purse, takes out her phone and sighs. “I don’t either.”

“Well, I’m sure someone will be by at some point to let us out. Maybe a security guard or something.”

“What if they don’t come before morning?”

“I mean, it won’t be comfortable, but it won’t kill us if we have to spend the night here.”

She looks at me apprehensively. “Why did you even ask me to meet you here at this time of night?”

“Because it’s the only time I had open in my schedule.” She rolls her eyes at me, turns around and walks into the center of the room. “It’s not like I planned this.”

“I know you didn’t, but my frustration is justified, don’t you think?”

“Yes… I am sorry to have ruined your night.” I approach where she is standing. “What? Did you have a hot date? Because you sure are dressed for it.” I look her up and down and make a show of doing it.

She crosses her feet at her ankles and adjusts her coat. “No, I didn’t. Like I said, I was going to meet a friend.”

“Why? Your boyfriend occupied tonight?”

“No, I don’t have a boyfriend.” She smirks at me with a raise eyebrow, almost as if she’s daring me.

“You’re single?”