We sit on the bed, and she takes my hand into hers. “Sweetheart, I’m fine.”

“I know you are.” I smile in an effort to hold back my tears.

“Oh, my sweet girl…” She leans forward, grabs me a hug and kisses my temple and I can’t help but burst into tears.

We stay like this for a moment then Mom pulls away and wipes the tears from my face.

“I know you’re scared, but I have faith that I will beat this. All I ask is that you join me in hope.”

“Okay, Mom.” I nod.

“Good.” She smiles. She gets up and goes to her jewelry box at her makeup table. She pulls a necklace from the box and holds it in frontof my face.

“I’ve been meaning to give you this. You’re the only one of my children who has my blonde hair. Your siblings betrayed me and took your Dad’s hair. With your coloring I think this would complement you.”

I stare at the beautiful sapphire encircled by diamonds with my mouth agape. “Mom, I can’t take that. That’s your grandmother’s necklace.”

“I know what it is. That’s why I’m giving it to you.”

I shake my head and back up as if the necklace may bite me at any moment. “What is this? You say you have hope, so why are you giving me your necklace? This feels like a bequeathal and I don’t like it.”

She rolls her eyes and sits next to me on the bed. “Would you stop overthinking everything? I’m just trying to make you feel better. I remember when you were a little girl. You used to sneak in here all the time just to wear this. I haven’t worn it in years. So I want to give it to you.” She takes my hand and forces the necklace into it.

I open my hand and one of the diamonds on the necklace catches the light and winks at me.

“Thank you.”

“Of course…” She hugs me.

I feel so safe in her arms. I just hope I have many, many more years of this in my future.



“Ihate thinking of you all lonely up there in your ivory tower during the holidays,” Mom says.

“Mom, I might be alone but I am not lonely,” I say.

“That’s what lonely people say to console themselves.”

I laugh. “Mom, really, I’m fine.”

“What is it even that’s keeping you so busy over Christmas?”

“I just have one or two things I need to do.”

“Okay… Well, I’ll stop bugging you. It’s just that, you know your brothers are here, and it would’ve been nice to have all my kids in one place. You know? Before I die.”

I roll my eyes. “Even though you’re 79, Mom, I actually think you will outlive all of us.”

“Honey, I love you, but the next time you say my age out loud I will come up there and wash your mouth out with soap.”

I laugh. “My apologies. Won’t happen again.”

“Thank you.” I can hear the humor in her voice. “Just make sure you don’t work too hard. You know, that’s what drove your father into an early grave.”

I don’t think you can say a person was driven to an early grave when they died at 71, but I don’t tell Mom that. “Yes, I’ll be sure to take as many breaks as I can.”