The spell only gets broken when a waiter walks up to our booth. He is a conventionally attractive enough young man. He looks to be about Paige’s age.

“Good evening, can I get the both of you anything else?” he asks, looking at Paige the whole time.

“No,” I say, my voice strong. “We are good here.”

The flirtatious smile drops from his face. He offers me a curt nod, turns around and scurries off.

“Do men go crazy around you like that all the time?”

“What do you mean?”

I nod in the general direction of our waiter. “He was clearly interested in you.”

“What? No he wasn’t.”

“Oh, yes he was.”

She waves me off. “You’re being ridiculous.”

“No, I am not, but I can’t say I blame him. You look astonishing tonight.”

“Thank you,” she says, but she doesn’t look at me. Instead, she looks across the bar at the people on the dance floor.

Noticing that we are treading on dangerous turf, I quickly change the topic.

“So, what do young people like to do for fun these days?”

She chuckles. “I don’t think a person has ever sounded older in the entire history oftime, gramps.”

I laugh. “Well, how would you suggest I ask that question?”

“I don’t know, you could have said, ‘what do you like to do for fun?’”

“Okay. Paige, what do you like to do for fun?”

“I guess I really don’t care what I’m doing. Rather, for me the emphasis is on whom I am doing the thing with. I like spending time with my loved ones. We see shows on Broadway, we go horseback riding, road trips, things like that.”

“That sounds like fun…”

She smiles at me and my heart melts.

We spendthe rest of the night talking, and I get to know Paige a little better. As it gets later, she tries her best to stifle a yawn and I chuckle watching her.

“Seems like the day is catching up to you.”

She smiles. “I guess it is.”

“Come, let me take you home.”

I slide out of the booth and help her get out. I don’t release her hand as I walk us out of the bar and onto the street.

When I stop us in front of my motorcycle, she points at it and says, “What’s this?”

“It’s my bike.”

“You want to take me home on a bike?”

“Yeah. What? Are you scared?” I challenge her with a smirk.