Page 80 of Dr. Alpha

“As a leader, these are things you should be able to do,” Henry continued from where she had stopped, almost like they had rehearsed it the night before. “But you've raised your reputation as a flawed misandrist. The ‘alpha’ mindset you have has done nothing but bring this hospital to its knees with your thirst to achieve more than you deserve.”

“But you can't vote me out like that,” I insisted. “Is this because I delayed making him in charge of the second hospital? If that's the case we can make him the manager right now.”

“What we need is to expand our opportunities, and right now you're not the one who would be able to do that,” Carol said bluntly.

I wasn't prepared for an attack like this.

“All in favor of removing Tabitha as chairman of the board,” said Henry, calling for the vote.

In cases like this, I couldn't vote for myself. Bruce couldn't vote, either. Even if Alex and Cynthia were to vote for me, it would amount to nothing. I watched with murderous intent as the three hands were raised to vote against me.

“All in favor of making Bruce chairman of the board?” Henry asked.

You have to be kidding me.

The same number of hands raised.

I turned my intent from them to Bruce. “Did you know about this?”

“I swear I…” his eyes were filled with sincerity, but then realization hit him, almost like he knew this would have happened but didn't expect it so soon. “No, not like this. I swear I didn't know anything about this.”

For the first time since I met him, he looked scared.

“Bruce, we will be expecting a lot from you as the new chairman,” Henry said to him, ignoring our banter.

“No, I do not want to be the chairman,” Bruce said.

“Fuck you,” I spat at him as I got up and existed the conference room, feeling humiliated.

I made my way to the office and locked myself inside. I thought about how he had made me feel over the past months. So, everything leading up to that point was all a lie to get me out of the way? I couldn't believe it. Me of all persons being played like a fool.


“What exactly is the meaning of this?” the woman, whose name was Cynthia as I later found out, asked me.

“Dr. Jericho, why would you do such a thing?” Alex asked me.

“I didn't know anything,” I defended.

“Leave the gentleman alone. We have a lot of things to plan,” said the man who had been attacking Tabitha throughout the meeting.

“I don't want any part of such meeting,” Cynthia said as she exited the conference room.

“Same here,” Alex said, looking at me with eyes of disdain and contempt.

As the both of them left, I was alone with the senators who had just stabbed Julius. I felt like Brutus even though I had done no stabbing.

“That was far easier than we thought,” Henry sighed. “Looks like your original plan worked out after all.”

“What do you mean original plan?” I asked.

“You don't have to keep your guard up, we already know everything,” Carol said.

Truth be told, I understood what they were talking about. My plan was to work in the hospital and rise through the ranks, eventually taking Tabitha's place as the patient and staff favorite.

When I had gathered enough of a reputation, I would be noticed by the board of directors and appointed as a member - not as the chairman himself. I didn't even know who the board members were until that moment. My plan had been thwarted and used against me. Now I understood why that text told me to sit tight.

The look of anguish in Tabitha's eyes as she was cornered and her anger made me shrivel.