Page 78 of Dr. Alpha

“What do you mean the board? My directors? Did something happen to them?”

“I wouldn't say something happened to them, but they were requesting a meeting with you,” he explained.

“That’s odd,” I scratched my chin. “But I guess our bi-annual meeting is around the corner anyway.”

“That's not all. They want Bruce to be at the meeting as well,” he continued.

“Excuse me?” I almost got up from my seat but controlled myself. “Why exactly would they want him there?”

“I've been given reports to them about his performance. You know the original plan was to have him take over, so I guess they want feedback,” he explained.

“I guess that makes sense,” I uttered and calmed myself.

I couldn't help shaking the feeling that something was wrong. The timing of the raids was too close. Another thing, the board members never banded together like this for anything. Something was definitely not right. Bruce was still acting weirdly too.

“Is Bruce aware of this?” I asked.

“No he isn't,” he answered. “He doesn't know he has been summoned. I thought I would refrain from telling him, until you were informed.”

“Wise decision. I would be meeting them myself,” I responded. “Is that all you came to deliver?”

“Yes, that's all, ma'am,” he said.

“You’re excused,” I said to him.

He nodded and left the office immediately. I took in a deep breath and started to formulate my plans. If only I knew then that I was being under attack.


Three days later…

I met with the board. I had avoided contact with Bruce and made sure he wasn't aware of what was going on. He tried to reach out to me during work hours, but I ignored him. I was in battle mode and didn't want to be swayed by anyone.

I opened the doors to the conference room. My directors were already seated waiting for my arrival. I saw three men, two women, me being the third woman, and Alex as the secretary.

“You have a lot of explaining to do,” I said as I made my way to my seat. “Now start talking.”

“A simple way to start would be, ‘Good morning’,” said Henry, the leader of the gathering.

“I see you haven't changed after all this time,” added Carol.

The other members - Clark, Cynthia, and Alex - all offered their good mornings rather than picking a fight with me. A wise choice really. It was a shame the rest of them had not realized that I was in battle mode.

“Tell me the exact reason I am here,” I demanded.

Henry took charge and offered, “I thought we asked that Dr. Bruce Jericho would be present at this meeting?”

“And if I don't want him here?” I asked.

“Please, Tabitha. Just make this easier for us and let him be here,” Cynthia said, trying to reason with me.

Cynthia was the one I usually listened to because she had a similar personality as mine.

I sighed and relaxed my nerves. “Tell me what's going on.”

“Well, you remember the original plan was to hire someone who would take care of the second hospital on your behalf?” Henry asked.

“I am well aware,” I responded.