Page 32 of Dr. Alpha


We kept our distance and observed them.

“Before we left, you said you wanted to use the restroom,” I said to my accomplice. “You didn't seem to go in the direction of the bathroom.”

“I was lost, okay?” he defended. “Now tell me why we are here watching your brother. Don't tell me you're one of those girls with a brother complex?”

“What? No!”

“Good, because I'm the only complex you need to worry about,” he said as he held my neck and smiled maliciously.

He always did this. Whenever I let down my guard, he quickly reminded me that he could take me whenever he wanted to.

As much as it turned me on, I tried to focus on the mission at hand.

“Not now,” I said as I hit his hand away. “Focus.”

The focus part was just me talking to myself. Then it happened: Lucas and Olivia kissed.

“Bingo,” I grinned as I made my way to them.

“So? They just kissed. What's the big deal?” I asked. “You and I do worse. Isn't that right, rope bunny?”

“Don't call me that outside,” I warned.

“You aren't even against it,” he laughed as he followed behind me.

The couple was lost in their own world. I took several pictures, and they had barely noticed. Only after making my presence known did they realize that I was there. I was jealous, though, watching the both of them kiss without a care in the world.

My brother had started acting differently, too. I had never seen him let down his guard.


“Is it really going to be worth it?’ Bruce asked as I got into the car.


“Holding on to the picture you took as blackmail,” he explained. “I may not be in any moral obligation to say anything, but I just think maybe. You should have let them live their lives.”

“You wouldn't understand,” I shook my head negatively. “This is one of the ways we stay ahead of each other.”.

“I'm confused, and maybe this is because I'm an only child.” He seemed to have remembered something. “I think you should just cherish the fact you have siblings.”

“Now, you sound like my father's Butler,” I said.

“Is he handsome?” he asked.

“I think his beauty is subjective,” I answered.

“Well, I'll take it,” he said.

As we continued the drive back, I thought about what he had said. I wanted to justify holding blackmail material against my older brother. I'm sure he also had materials on me and my siblings. But is that what siblings are meant to do?

I was unconsciously following my mother's control. She gave me an illusion of what a strong woman was like, and I followed it to a T.The reality was I was just scared of my siblings taking advantage of me.

“You're too quiet now,” Bruce said. “What are you thinking now?”

“Sometimes, I just think you know the exact words to say to change my perspective of things,” I replied. “You see, amongst my siblings, there's this tussle for power. Only one of us isn't interested.”