Page 27 of Dr. Alpha

She had ruined everything I had built and planned to reap. She still talked down to me like I was a filthy mongrel. Yet just seeing how insecure she was when I had taken over temporarily made me realize that this girl was afraid of losing things, just as I was. Maybe not at the same scale, but she valued the attention that ability brought her.

There was another thing to worry about. The member of the organization that has reached out to me was in the area and asked to see me. I wasn't expecting the man covered in tattoos.

“I'm Liam,” he introduced himself. “You must be the guy they sent to watch the second daughter.”

“What do you mean, watch?” I asked.

“Oh, it's not you then,” he said, ignoring my question. “So you must be the guy that would help in selling the hospital.”

“So that's the end goal?” I asked. “And here all I thought I was going to do was just to become a manager.”

“No, it goes more than that,” he explained. “You're not deep into it so I can't tell you why we need the hospital. But if you don't feel like you can do it, maybe you should just leave her to me.”

I don't know why,. but I grabbed him by the neck immediately after he made the suggestion.

“What are you doing?” he asked, almost choking.

“I don't know what you're doing in the city, and I don't know what exactly this organization of yours wants, but if you touch her…” I stopped the warning halfway and let go off his neck.

I watched him struggle to breathe as he glared daggers at me.

“You’re fucking insane,” he said and returned to his car.

This was definitely bad.


The next day, I went about my duties as usual. Just like I had explained to Tabitha, all I did was assign roles to the nurses and doctors. Anything basic and simple was vetted by me. If it was too much to handle, it was placed on hold. If it wasn't an emergency, I didn't inform Tabitha.

Any case that needed her immediate attention was sent to her directly. There were not a lot of surgeries; so, I spent most of my time in the children's ward. While working, I noticed that Tabitha would come and watch for some time and then leave.

The act continued multiple times, and I wasn't the only one who noticed it. Some of the doctors and nurses talked about her observing their work. It didn't seem like they were in trouble because she had never mentioned anything, but they were still worried that they might be getting something wrong.

I decided to see my boss.


When I entered the office, she was lying on a hospital bed, one she used for medical examinations. She was staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. I walked to her side and took a look. She shifted her gaze and smiled softly.

“Is everything okay?” I asked. “Can I sit next to you?”

She moved aside, creating a space for me to sit.

“How's work going?” Tabitha asked.

“I'm actually having a good time. What about you?”

“I don't know,” she answered, shaking her head negatively.

I had a feeling she had been pondering on that question for a while, long before I had entered the office.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked.

“Why would I want to tell you about it?” she asked. I could tell she was just being defensive.

“You don't have to be so aggressive,” I answered. “You can just…for this moment, let down your walls and speak to me.”

She was quiet, considering if she should tell me or not.