“Oh, Bruce found out that we were planning to get more books as soon as the budget was approved,” she explained, “but he donated some money and got the books.”
Okay, now he's really going overboard.
Everyone I met had something good to say about Bruce. I couldn't remember when any of my clients or staff last spoke about me like this. While I admit that he was doing the right thing, it was his job description. I was slowly being replaced.
“Oh, I actually consulted Bruce about it.”
“Sorry, I asked Bruce if I could do it.”
“Bruce gave his permission.”
“I thought he was going to be your assistant, so it was normal to listen to him.”
Everyone…all of them.
I needed to have a talk with the man in question.
I found him talking to two other male doctors.
“Bruce, can I have a moment of your time?” I asked.
The other doctors offered greetings and left us alone. They kept glancing back to see if their comrade was in trouble.
“After a week of ignoring me, I am finally worthy of listening to your voice again,” he said.
“I was…busy,” was the only defense I could think of.
“I completely understand, with preparations for Zurich keeping you as well,” he added. “I tried my best to make sure no one bothers you during this period.”
“And that is exactly why I wanted to speak with you,” I said, glad he had brought it up.
“What's going on?” he asked, “Did I do something wrong?”
“It's not that you did something wrong, but more about doing what you're not supposed to be doing,” I answered.
“I'm afraid I don't understand what you're talking about.” He crossed his arms and frowned, “What exactly am Inotsupposed to do?”
There's the problem. The problem was the need for it.
I couldn't tell him,“You're making me feel insecure about my role here, and I want you to stop.”
“Well, I'm waiting,” Bruce shrugged. “Or, maybe this is something we can discuss behind closed doors?”
“Do not suggest for me,” I replied. “I just don't think you should be going around giving orders.”
“Well, this is something we need to go behind closed doors and discuss,” he suggested. “You wouldn't want to raise your voice around your staff and patients.”
I looked around, and he was right. I was causing a small scene.
“My office now,” I said and turned to leave.