He switched again; this time, he focused on my clit.
“No, wait…” I pleaded, forgetting who was holding the leash in this situation.
He didn't wait, but kept sucking on my innocent little clit, while maintaining eye contact.
Now that I take a good look at him, he looks a little too big.He was too big, and his skill was already getting me to the edge.
"Stop. Stop!" I demanded as I pulled the leash backward to finally get him to stop eating me.
He stared at me, panting heavily. His lip were probably covered with my juices.
Either way, that was a close one.
"On the bed…lie on your back," I commanded.
"Hmph," he scoffed as he lay beside me.
His dick stood proudly, pointing to the roof. I did the normal thing anyone would do in the situation: I straddled him. His length and girth still raised major concern for me. I wanted to show him that I didn't care. As his tip made contact with my pussy, I shuddered a bit and gently lowered my hips.
My insides wasted no time in expanding to accommodate him; immediately I reached my limit and quickly tightened. I started to move, slowly at first, then gradually increasing my pace. I started to bounce even faster, taking everything he had to offer.
"Ha…ha…damn you," he cursed as he started moving his hips. With his hands behind his back, he struggled to keep up with my rhythm. I enjoyed watching him squirm, trying to match my pace. It was all good and fine, until I heard a snap. Bruce had broken the cuffs and held my hips to support his movement. Before I could tell him to stop, he had gotten to his feet. I wrapped my legs around his waist and clung to the leash for support, else I'd slip out.
He pinned me against the wall and started pounding me so hard that my body started to reverberate from the onslaught of thrusts. He bit my neck and refused to let go.
“Bruce, fuck…” I moaned. I gave up trying to control him. I let go of the leash and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Looks like you lose again, this time," he snickered.
"I hate you…I fucking…hate you…” I repeated, but my grip on him only tightened.
It was no use. There was no helping it. There was no way I could control him. I was weak.
He pulled out and let me drop to the floor gently. I looked up expectantly as he stroked his dick, pouring his hot sticky sperm all over my face.
"Is this how this would continue to go?" he asked. "You really aren't all that."
How dare he? I was “all that”. He was just my major problem.
Chapter six
That was Close
I woke up feeling dizzy. The room was strange and looked different from the house I had rented in Richmond. The gentle sound of someone snoring could be heard. Turning to my side, I saw Tabitha lying next to me. She was fast asleep; the rise and fall of her chest was gentle.
I started to remember everything that had happened. Initially, when she had invited me to her place, I was worried that she was onto me. But I could tell it was something sex-related, just because she had lost the last time we had met. Who would have thought that a genius like Tabitha would have been such a sore loser?
I took a good look at her. She lay on her back, spraying her hair on the pillow. Her lips were slightly parted, which reminded me…
I got so into it in our second round that I tried to kiss her, and she stopped me.
“No kissing,” she said.
I could have sworn she was blushing from the idea of getting kissed on her lips.
“Haven't you gotten a kiss before?” I jokingly asked, expecting her to come at me as usual.