Page 54 of Corrupted Deception

“Put me down!” she screeched, kicking her legs and pounding on my back like she thought she had a chance of taking me down.

“No,” I said and strode across the big space to one of the open staircases on the other side.

She continued to flail wildly, so much she was going to end up hitting something and hurting herself.

So, I slapped her ass on my way up the stairs.

She screeched indignantly while the feel of her flesh beneath my palm and the sting in my hand shot straight to my cock.


Fortunately, the top of the stairs opened to a loft-style bedroom with girl-shit spilling out of the closet and sprawled all over the bed.

I made it to the bed with my unwilling captive and dropped her down in the center of it. Christ, how I wanted to follow her down.

“What the hell are you doing?” she seethed.

When she moved to get up, I grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the mattress above her head.

“Lie still,” I said in what might have been the most ‘don’t fuck with me’ tone I’d ever used. Because I was walking a very thin line here, the one that was getting blurrier by the second.

She looked up at me, eyes sparking, but thank fuck she was smart enough to heed the warning.

Reluctantly, I released her wrists, fished a blanket out from beneath the clothes, and covered her up—not that it did a damn thing to keep me from thinking about what was beneath them.

“What are you doing?” she asked, brow furrowed now.

Good question.

I leaned in close, much closer than I should have. The soft scent of her reached out and tried to pull me closer.

“When I fuck you,tempesta—and I am going to fuck you—you’re going to be wide awake and full of fight, not swaying on your god damned feet. So, go to sleep.”

Christ, I was practically tucking her into bed. Where the hell had this shit come from?

“I have to feed Ray,” she said while her eyes continued to glare daggers at me, even as the breathlessness in her voice gave her away.

“I can figure out how to feed a dog,” I said with a little more bite than I’d intended, but that kind of thing happened when a man and his cock were at odds. “Now, do as you’re told and go to sleep before I change my mind.”

She huffed, but much to my surprise, she closed her eyes, and in less than a minute, her features softened and her breathing transitioned to the slow, even cadence of sleep.

Without her eyes cursing at me, she looked innocent, not like a woman who seduced and paralyzed men, who fought rebels in fucking Africa and kept company with people like Nacio Morales and Val Rojas.

Ray loped into the room and circled the bed, perhaps to be sure I hadn’t murdered his mistress.

“Satisfied?” I asked when he’d finished his perusal.

His head swung toward me, then back to Charlotte as he let out a whine like the one outside.

“All right,amico,” I whispered, waving him toward the door. “Dinnertime,si?”

He hesitated for a moment, then followed me out of the room.

“I don’t suppose you can tell me what the fuck I’m supposed to feed you?” I asked as we made our way down the stairs. I’d had women in collar and leash before, but what I’dfedthem, I sure as hell wasn’t feeding the dog.

Not surprisingly, Ray didn’t answer, but he veered right at the bottom of the stairs, headed for the kitchen, and stopped next to one of the cupboards that had a label near the top of it that read, ‘Ray’.

I opened it up and found it stacked full of cans of dog food.