Her eyes lit up with interest. “What would that be?”

“This place is practically empty.” He waved around at the plethora of empty tables. “Open the island up to vacationers as well as wedding guests. It would keep a steady flow of people and increase the flow of revenue.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

But he could tell she’d already considered the option and dismissed it. Apparently traditions ran deep where this island was concerned. Xander couldn’t help but wonder if it was really the love of the island or if there was something else keeping her here away from her family—away from society.

But he kept those questions to himself as they savored a delightful array of fresh vegetables, seafood and cheeses produced on the island. The meal was leisurely and the food was out of this world. He was quite tempted to lure the chef away and put him on staff at the Skyrise Restaurant atop his headquarters in Athens.

Even though the sun had slipped below the horizon, leaving a pink hue in its wake, Xander wasn’t ready to end his time with Lea.

They strolled down to the beach. No one was around, and they enjoyed the surf and sand alone.

“I really should get back to work,” Lea said, but her voice lacked desire.

“I should, too. But why don’t we play hooky this evening?”

She glanced at him as they ambled along the shore. “Do you usually play hooky?”


“Then why this evening?”

He stopped and turned to her. “Because you reminded me that there is so much more to life than business. I haven’t laughed this much...ever. It has been a truly wonderful evening.” He stared deep into her eyes. “I don’t want it to end.”

“You don’t?”

“I don’t.” His gaze lowered to her lips. They were so inviting. He’d been glancing at them off and on all through dinner. They were rosy and glossy. Nothing about her appearance was overly done. She was more down-to-earth and much more appealing than any of the women he’d dated in the past.

He had a policy of not mixing business and pleasure. Tonight, he might have been tempted to break that long-standing rule, but he knew Lea wasn’t going to change her mind about his offer. And so there was no reason to hold back. They could find out where the evening would take them.

He stepped closer, watching and waiting to see if she would pull away. She didn’t. He glanced down, catching the slight pulse in her neck. She was as intrigued by him as he was by her. The most captivating thing about her wasn’t her gorgeous face or luscious lips, but the beauty inside that glowed outward.

He reached out to her. His movements were slow so as not to startle her. And then his fingers caressed her smooth, soft cheek. “You are the most incredible woman I’ve met.”

There was an audible hiss as she sucked her breath in through her teeth. Her eyes widened and then took on an inviting look. He had no intention of missing out on such a tempting invitation.

He lowered his head, but before he got very far, she was there—meeting him in the middle. Her tender lips pressed to his. The breath caught in the back of his throat. Her touch was like a static charge—sending a current through his body, making every cell vibrate with desire.

His hand lowered to her waist. He drew her to him. Her hands came to rest on his chest as their kiss deepened. He hadn’t ventured to Infinity Island with a thought of having a romantic tryst—not at all. He’d been disappointed that he hadn’t been able to purchase the island, but this wasn’t so bad as a consolation prize. And though he’d deny it to anyone, he’d ended up with the better of the two options.

The more he tasted Lea, the more he wanted her. She snuggled up against him. Her soft, voluptuous curves fit perfectly against him. He had a feeling this evening was only going to get better and better.


Late June...


Three separate results...

Diagnosis: Pregnant.

Every time Lea thought about it, which was quite often, she started to hyperventilate. This couldn’t be happening. Not now. Not when her life was in such an uproar.

But she’d had all of the early symptoms, from her missed cycle to tender breasts. As much as she wanted to live in the land of denial, she couldn’t. There was now a baby to take into consideration. And a man who didn’t have a clue he was about to become a father. Well, he would if he’d answer his phone.