And then he stated the most amazing number. She never ever imagined that anyone would want to invest such an incredible amount of money in the island. She wasn’t even sure what to do with that much money. Sure the place needed work, but none that would amount to that sum.

“Thank you. That is a very generous investment—”

“Wait. I think you misunderstood me. I’m not investing in your island. I’m buying it.”

He wanted to buy her island? Her heritage? Her heart sank clear down to her white sandals. This partnership was over before it even had a chance to begin.

Lea shook her head. This couldn’t be happening. She’d only just found this link to her past, and she wasn’t about to give it up. No way.

* * *

Xander Marinakos could feel this deal slipping through his fingers.

That was a very foreign position for him to be in.

The stubborn look on Lea’s face said she wasn’t giving up this island. And part of him applauded her while the rest of him thought it was a foolish endeavor. But he wasn’t a man used to walking away empty-handed.

“If you’re holding out for a better deal, you won’t get one from me or anyone else. That’s my one and only offer.” He wasn’t one to be trifled with—no matter how gorgeous he found this woman. Business was business.

“I’m afraid you came here under a false assumption. The island never was and never will be for sale.”

His lips pressed into a firm line. He wondered if she even considered what she could do with the money he was offering her.

This island could be the jewel in his real estate empire. It was beautiful and so private. And yet, it wasn’t that far off the mainland. Talk about a perfect location. He could build the most opulent estates that would sell for outrageous fortunes. He might even build a vacation home for himself. Not that he ever took vacations. But maybe someday he’d start.

“Is there anything I can say to change your mind?” If it was within reason, he’d consider it.

She didn’t even hesitate when she gave another firm shake of her head. “This island has been in my family for generations and I intend to keep it that way.”

He sighed. He was smart enough to know when to walk away. “Do me a favor?”

“What would that be?”

“If you ever change your mind about selling, let me know. This place would make a wonderful locale for exclusive estates.”

She didn’t look impressed. “It’s already a noted wedding and honeymoon destination.”

He didn’t want to argue with her. He’d never heard of the island before it was brought to his attention as a potential building site, but then again, he avoided anything to do with happily-ever-afters. However, he refrained from mentioning it to Lea. He liked it better when she smiled. “So it is.”

Though the grounds were well maintained, the place needed to be moved out of the last century and into the current one as far as technology and decorating went. He just didn’t see anyone coming in here and wanting to invest in the place to develop it as a venue for weddings—not when there were so many other more lucrative uses for the island.

He stared into her blue-green eyes, seeing the depths of her desperation. But no one could truly help her until she realized that fixing this wedding island was a waste of money. And as a respectable businessman with his thumb on the heartbeat of development, he couldn’t in good conscience throw good money after bad. It wasn’t like love lasted. If it existed, it was fleeting at best.

“I suppose you won’t be staying for the night.” Lea’s voice held a disappointed tone.

“Actually, you made the island sound so appealing that I’d like to stay for the night.” He had made no plans for the evening or the next morning as he’d thought that he’d be hammering out a formative agreement.

“Not a problem at all.” She turned from her position by the rail overlooking the cove, where the sun was starting its descent toward the horizon. “I can show you to your bungalow.”

He liked Lea. She was pleasant, and when she smiled, her whole face lit up. And it had been a long time since he’d taken time for a social life. He’d prided himself on being able to amass his fortune before the age of thirty-five. But it had come at a price—his work schedule meant he hardly had a normal life.