Xander led her to the pier.

“What are we doing here?” Lea sent him a puzzled look.

“You’ll see.”


“Trust me.”

He climbed aboard the speedboat and then turned to her and held out his hand. She smiled. “How did you manage this?”

“I have friends.”

“Friends, huh?” Without needing his assistance, she climbed aboard. “I think I’m going to have a staff meeting about not letting people sweet-talk them into doing things that are against the rules.”

“You wouldn’t get Caesar in trouble, would you? After all, he lent me the boat for the evening because he knew it was for you.”

Her eyes widened. “So what you’re saying is that you took advantage of our relationship to coerce my employee to break the rules and lend you this boat?”

Xander saw the twinkle of mischief in her eyes. She was having fun with this. And who was he to ruin her enjoyment? “That sounds about right.”

“Xander Marinakos, has anyone ever told you how bad you are?”

He grinned at her. “And you don’t even know the half of it. But I’d be willing to show you.”

Just then he took her in his arms. His intent was to kiss her until she couldn’t think straight—until the word “no” was the very last thing on her mind. But he also saw the surprise in her widened eyes as her hands landed on his chest. He realized he was overstepping their newfound friendship. And as much as he wanted to kiss her, he couldn’t risk losing the easiness that had grown between them.

With great reluctance, he released her. If they were to kiss again, she would have to make the first move. He just hoped she didn’t wait too long.

He turned his attention to the controls of the boat. “I thought we’d take an evening ride around the island.”

“It’s been a while since I was out on a boat. I’m afraid I’ve become a workaholic and spend most of my time in my office or else putting out fires around the island.”

“Sit down, then.” He gestured to the white seat next to his. “And we’ll have a relaxing evening ride. I’m really anxious to see all of the island.”

She sat down beside him. “Well, since you went to the trouble to get this boat, let’s make this happen.”

“Your wish is my command.”

As he maneuvered the boat out of the marina, he was surprised by how true those words were. He was anxious to make Lea happy. Because when she was happy, he found himself happy too. And that most definitely would be good for their baby.

* * *

The evening sun sank low in the sky, sending rays of sunshine dancing upon the gentle swells of water. And as beautiful as the setting was, Lea found the boat captain to be even more captivating. Xander looked at ease behind the controls of this expensive boat, normally reserved for the newlyweds. She was both surprised and impressed with the evening that Xander had planned. But a niggling thought kept intruding on her enjoyment—what was his end game?

“Something wrong?” Xander slowed the boat so they didn’t have to yell over the roar of the engine.

“Um, no.” She flashed him a bright smile as proof.

He gave her a hesitant look but then let the subject drop. “This island is amazing. It has so many different types of landscapes, from the smooth, white sandy beaches over by the marina to the high and jagged cliffs on this side of the island. This looks like a great area to hike.”

“You’re an outdoors man?” Somehow she didn’t imagine him as one.

“I was when I was younger, but as the years have gone by and my business has grown, I’ve had less time for recreation.”

“That’s too bad. You know what they say—all work and no play makes Xander a dull boy.”

He arched a brow as he glanced over at her. “So that’s what you think of me? You think I’m dull and boring?”

Oops! Heat rushed to her face. “That’s not what I meant. I... I just meant that you work too hard.”

“And I’m boring.”

“No, you’re not.” Her mind was racing to come up with something—anything—that would get her out of this awkward conversation. After this, she just might gag herself to keep from sticking her medium-sized flip-flop in her mouth. “Really. I mean it.”