She reached out for the phone on her desk. Her hand hovered over the receiver, but she hesitated. What would she say? Should she apologize for leaving in such a huff? But was she sorry? She loved Infinity Island and the people who lived here. If she had to do it again, she’d still make the same choice.

As her hand settled on the phone, it rang. The buzz startled her. Was it possible that it was her family? Maybe they were thinking of each other at the same time.

Knowing it was a silly notion, Lea checked the caller ID. It was Xander. For the briefest second, her heart dipped.

With an ache in her chest, she answered the phone. “Hey, we’ve been missing each other.”

“Lea, I need you to come home now.”

And then the line went dead.

What was up with that? She stared at the phone. Was something wrong? Had Xander gotten hurt? The thought sent her heart into overdrive.

She quickly dialed his number. The phone rang. And rang. But he didn’t answer. What was going on?

She raced out the door, shouting to her assistant that she’d be back later. Her assistant said something, but Lea didn’t catch the words. She kept going. Her thoughts turned to Xander and his cryptic phone call. Please let him be all right.

Lea jumped in her golf cart and set off. For the first time, she realized that living halfway across the island was a problem when there was an emergency.

The more she thought of Xander and pictured him in trouble, the harder she pressed on the accelerator. Everything would be all right. But what if it wasn’t. She floored the accelerator, wishing it would go faster.

When the cart skidded to a stop in front of the bungalow, she jumped out. She raced up the steps and swung the door open. “Xander? Xander, where are you?”

And then he stepped out from the kitchen with a dish in his hands. “I’m right here.”

Her gaze swept over him, checking for any injuries or blood, but he looked perfectly fit. Noticing her white apron slung around his neck, she glanced at the stove to see if something had caught fire, but all looked to be fine.

“What’s the emergency?” she asked.

“What emergency?” He moved to the dining room and placed the covered dish on the table where there was already a bottle of wine, fresh flowers and a candle.

She was so confused. “When you called, you said I had to rush home. I thought something was wrong. I thought...” She stopped herself, not wanting to admit how worried she’d been when she thought something had happened to him. “I didn’t know what to think when you hung up on me. And then you didn’t answer when I called back.”

“Sorry about that. I was worried that lunch was going to burn.”

She stepped closer to the table, taking in the perfectly made up table. “You did all of this for me?”

He turned to her. “Yes. I did.”

She suspected he was up to something. But what? He’d avoided her since their kiss and now he was cooking for her? And picking flowers?

Part of her wanted to go with the moment and just enjoy the gesture. But another part of her wanted to understand Xander’s motives. Her mother had taught her that if something appeared to be too good to be true, then it most likely was.

Xander lifted the bottle of wine as though to open it and then paused. “What was I thinking? You can’t have this.” He started for the kitchen. “I’ll get something else.”

She followed him. “Xander, what are you up to?”

“Why do I have to be up to something?”


He removed some fruit punch and club soda from the fridge. “Because what?”

“Because after you kissed me yesterday, you’ve been avoiding me. And as sweet as lunch is, I have to wonder what changed your mind.”

He approached her. “First, I haven’t been avoiding you.”

“It sure seems like it to me.”

He shook his head. “Remember I brought in a crew to work on the bungalow?” When she nodded, he continued. “I’d heard there was a big wedding this weekend and you might not have enough space. So I worked with the crew late into the night and this morning we finished up.”

“You did?” Wow! A big smile pulled at her lips. She recalled that there was a lot of work to be done on the bungalow.