As the thought of someone else taking his place in his child’s life took root, he realized that would mean another man would also play a significant role in Lea’s life. Suddenly the image of a man holding and kissing Lea’s tempting lips filled Xander’s imagination. His body tensed as his hands balled up. That couldn’t happen.

Maybe if he stuck around and showed her how good they could be together as friends—as business partners—she would change her mind about leaving. It would mean spending even more time here on Infinity Island. And that would mean complications with his business and his sister. Still, he had to make Lea and the baby his priority.

And with that thought in mind, he removed his phone from his pocket. His fingers moved rapidly over the screen as he wrote a message to his sister.

Unavoidably detained. The plans for the Italian resort will have to be put on hold. Sorry. Will make this up to you.

As though Stasia had been sitting there with her phone in her hands, waiting for him to send a text, his phone rang. Caller ID let him know that it was in fact his sister. He knew if he answered it wouldn’t be a short conversation. Not by a long shot. So he let it go to voice mail.

The truth was he felt guilty and that was not something he felt often. He was used to making the tough decisions—the decisions others didn’t agree with. But this time his decision was affecting someone he loved. It was a tough thing to swallow.

They both knew if he didn’t fly to Italy the following week to close the important deal they would lose their initial investment and any future chance to take part in such a promising venture. But he would make sure his sister wasn’t out any money—even if his own company took a significant financial hit.

It was only then that Xander realized he was gambling with his future for a woman who didn’t even seem to want him around. That had never happened to him before. He was venturing into uncharted water without a life vest. And he was very likely to sink—

“Something on your mind?” Lea’s voice interrupted his troubling thoughts.

He turned to her as she crossed her office to take a seat behind her desk. “Yes. I wanted to let you know that we’ve hit a bigger problem than was first suspected with the Seashell Bungalow. In this case there actually wasn’t a leak with the plumbing.”

“But the wall had all of that water damage.”

“It’s actually a leak in the roof.”

“But the ceiling looked fine.”

“The water bypassed the ceiling and made its way down the wall, causing problems with the wall and floor.”

A frown pulled at Lea’s face. “That sounds like an expensive problem to fix.”

“Don’t worry. I have this all under control.”

She arched a brow. “You do roofing work, too?”

“No. But I know people that do and I’ve called in a few favors.”

“Xander, no.” She got to her feet. “You can’t be doing that. This isn’t your problem. And...”

“And what?”

She averted her gaze. “Nothing.”

“It was definitely something. And what?”

Her gaze met his. “And I don’t want to be indebted to you.”

He could feel himself begin to sink and there wasn’t a life vest anywhere in sight. She didn’t want to be indebted to him, meaning she didn’t want to be involved with him. The knowledge hit him with a sharp jab that left a piercing pain in his chest. If Lea let him into her life, it would be because she wanted to...not because she had to.

His parents had let him remain in their lives after his sister was born because they had to—because they were already obligated. Not because they loved him—not like they loved his sister. Growing up, he’d seen it was all about his sister this and his sister that. Even now the memories hurt, but he shoved aside those thoughts, refusing to get caught up in something that he couldn’t change.

“You won’t be.” He said it with certainty.

She looked at him with skepticism reflected in her beautiful eyes. “Then why would you do it? Why put off getting back to your business?”

“Because you need help and I can help you.” He sighed. “Lea, I know our relationship is complicated, but I’m not the enemy. I’m not here to pull off some elaborate scheme and steal your island away from you. I promise.”