He hesitated. “I’m saying you should give me a chance. Maybe I’ll surprise you.”

“You won’t be here long enough to surprise me.”

“Actually, I’ve decided to stay on for a few days, maybe a week.”

“You what?” Surely she hadn’t heard him correctly.

“I’m taking some time off from my business. You and I have lots to figure out.”

Her lips pressed together in a firm line, holding back all of the reasons why his staying here with her was such a bad idea. And then she took in the resolute expression on his face. He was serious? He was staying? Here with her?

Unable to hold back any longer, Lea said, “This isn’t going to work.”

He sent her a reassuring smile. “Sure it is.”

She shook her head. “No, it isn’t. I have work to do. I can’t just sit around and entertain you.” She waved her hands around. “If you hadn’t noticed, I have big problems here.”

“If you’d let me, I could fix those problems.”

If only she could trust him, she might entertain the idea. But she knew how much he wanted the island to add to his prestigious list of stunning properties. Besides, this was her problem, not his. She would figure a way out of it.

“I’ve got this.” She hoped she sounded more confident than she felt.

Xander raised a questioning brow. “While you deal with those problems, I’m going to see about making the honeymoon bungalow usable again.”

She couldn’t believe her ears. He was volunteering to do manual labor...for her...for free. Impossible. “Thank you. But you don’t have to—”

“I know I don’t. I want to. My grandfather always said it was good to get back to your roots now and then, otherwise you’re likely to lose your path in life.”

This was a different side of Xander—much different than she’d known to this point.

Lea closed her laptop. “I do have someone who can do the work.”

“And I also know you’re understaffed. So let me take this off your plate.”

It was silly to argue with him. She already knew he was going to do as he pleased, no matter what she said. And if he was busy, it would keep him out of her way while she continued her search for the perfect buyer.

What was it going to be like being Xander’s roommate? Her gaze moved to his face and then lowered to his lips. She remembered just how good they felt against hers. She knew it was a one-time thing—not to be repeated. But that didn’t stop part of her from wanting more.

* * *

It would take time.

But the important things were worth the wait.

Late the next afternoon, Xander slung a wrench back in the borrowed toolbox. While he’d done manual labor that day, his mind had wandered to Lea and the baby growing in her belly. He was drawn to them in a way that he’d never experienced before. It was like they all belonged together—though he had yet to figure out what that family dynamic would look like. There were so many details to take into consideration.

He picked up a few more tools that he’d used to replace the pipes under the bathroom sink. There shouldn’t be any other leaks. He remembered how his father had taught him to work with his hands as a kid. His father believed in doing things around the house himself instead of calling for a handyman. However, try as Xander might, he never did things the way his father had wanted them done.

At the time, Xander didn’t think he’d ever use what his father had taught him. As he’d disappointed his father time after time, Xander promised himself that one day he would amass a fortune and when he did, he wouldn’t have time for such menial tasks. Xander knew that if he wanted his parents’ approval, he would have to be extraordinary—

“Is something wrong?” Lea’s voice drew him from his thoughts.

He turned to her. “Sorry. I didn’t hear you.”

“I didn’t mean to sneak up on you. I knocked but you must not have heard me. What has you so distracted? Is it the plumbing? If so, I can figure out some way to get a professional in here—”

“Slow down.” He saw the worry reflected in her eyes and rushed to alleviate her concern. “The faucet is all fixed and shouldn’t leak again.”