Now if only he could get her to see him as someone other than the enemy. As much as he wanted to back away from this complicated situation, he couldn’t. He believed her about the baby. Things had gotten a little out of hand that weekend and obviously mistakes had been made.

And now they had to come to an understanding that gave him peace of mind when he returned to Athens. He had no idea what the future would be like for any of them. It would help if Lea would tell him what she expected of him instead of being so stubbornly independent and insisting she could do everything on her own. They’d gotten into the awkward position together, and now they should both take part in an amicable solution.

“When will we get the results?” He had to admit he was rather curious to see what this survey would say about their prospects as a couple. He had a feeling it wouldn’t be good. But that wouldn’t stop him from attempting to keep his family together.

“Are you really that curious?” Lea asked.

He shrugged. He didn’t want to reveal the extent of his interest. “I’m a businessman. I like to know how everything works—from a bystander aspect.”

There was a part of him that wondered if Lea would accept it if this system—this reliable system—this age-old system—said that they were a good match. Would he?

Lea sighed as though in resignation. She got to her feet and moved around the desk, stopping next to him. “Do you mind?”

It took him a second, because he was so used to being the one behind the desk, to realize that he’d taken over her spot. He got to his feet and moved to the other side of the desk.

Lea took a seat and started typing on her keyboard. “Since I have automated the entire process, the results are basically instantaneous.” She hesitated. Then glancing at him, she asked, “Are you sure you want the results?”

He got the feeling she didn’t want them. Was that because she thought they’d make a good match? Or because she knew they were ill-suited for each other?

Since he wasn’t good with personal relationships, he didn’t have a clue how this would pan out. And so he wanted the answers. He wasn’t sure he would believe them, as he’d spent his life breaking through other people’s expectations of him.

“Yes. I want the results.”

“Okay.” Lea paused and then pressed one button.

She gasped.

In a heartbeat he was in motion, rounding the desk to find out what was the matter. He stopped next to Lea’s chair and hunched over to get a good look at the monitor. His gaze searched through the words, looking for what had shocked Lea.

Had it totally rejected them?

Was she worried about them not being suited to co-parent their child?

And then two-thirds of the way down the screen, he read: Perfect Life Partners.

“Really?” He just couldn’t believe those were the results. Had Lea pressed the wrong button? Were these the results for some other couple?

Lea swung her chair around to face him, causing him to jump back out of the way. “You cheated.”

“What?” Surely he hadn’t heard her correctly. “I did not.”

Her fine brows drew together in a formidable line. “You had to because these results aren’t right.”

He crossed his arms and stared directly at her. “And how would I have cheated? I still don’t understand exactly how this all works.”

She paused as though taking his words into consideration. “This can’t be right.” She turned back to her computer and started pressing buttons.

Xander would concede that they were perfect together when it came to chemistry. In fact, he would say their sexual compatibility was off the charts, but as far as being perfectly suited as lifelong partners—no way. Lea’s system must have a bug. Because he was all about facts, balance spreadsheets and boardroom meetings. She was all about warmth, adorable animals and greeting card verses. Those two didn’t sound like they were meant to intertwine.

“Well,” he said, growing impatient, “did you fix it?”

Lea didn’t move. She just sat there staring at the monitor. The same results were still on display: Perfect Life Partners. “There’s nothing to fix.”