“No.” She opened an email and started to respond to it.

He turned and started for the door. His hand rested on the handle when he turned back to her. “This isn’t over.”

“I didn’t think it was.”

“I’ll see you later at the bungalow.”

When he was finally gone and the door was closed, she took her first easy breath. Why was he sticking around? She wanted to believe that it was because of the chemistry arcing between them. But she refused to let herself go there.


THIS IS GOING to work.

Lea had told herself that all the next day. An older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Kostopoulos, flew in that morning. To Lea’s surprise, they’d decided against being silent investors. Instead, they were entertaining the notion of buying the island to run as Lea’s family had done for decades—bringing two hearts together for infinity.

Selling the island wasn’t what Lea ultimately wanted. But she was running out of time and funds. If she could find a buyer that wanted the island as it was, it would be better than selling to a developer like Xander, who was only interested in making money and cared nothing about preserving her family’s legacy.

After a comprehensive tour of the island, they stopped at the Hideaway Café to get refreshments. Lea was so nervous about this working out that her hands trembled ever so slightly as she held her iced decaf caramel latte, a Lea-suggested addition to the menu.

The three took their refreshments outside to sit at one of the tables shaded by umbrellas. She couldn’t tell if the couple was still interested in purchasing the island or not. Their comments throughout the lengthy tour were mixed. Her impression was that they liked much of the island, but she noticed how they were quite hesitant about the amount of work that needed to be done to bring the island back to its glory days.

“I hope you enjoyed your tour,” Lea said to get the conversation started.

“We did,” Mrs. Kostopoulos said. “It’s so beautiful here. You’re lucky to have such an amazing home.”

“Thank you.” Lea turned her coffee cup around. “I think this is the most beautiful place on earth. That’s why I want someone who loves it as much as I do to take it over.”

“I understand.” Mrs. Kostopoulos smiled. “If this were my home, I would want the same.”

Was that a gentle way of letting her down? Lea’s stomach twisted in a knot. She glanced at her coffee, but she had no desire to drink it.

“What my wife is trying to say is that we love the island, but with us nearing retirement age, there’s more work here than we are up to doing. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but I’m sure you’ll find the right person for this place.” Mr. Kostopoulos paused. “Unless you already have—”

“Hello, everyone.” Xander’s voice came from behind her.

What was he doing here? Lea stifled a sigh. Why should she worry? It wasn’t like he could do any damage now. The Kostopouloses had already turned her down. But Xander didn’t know that and she wasn’t in the mood to enlighten him.

* * *

Everyone looked pleased.

Was this it? Had Lea found people to run the island just as she wanted?

Xander’s chest tightened. If she had, then his chance of being close to her and the baby was slipping through his fingers. She wouldn’t need anything from him and she could go anywhere in the world.

The thought of her moving far away didn’t sit easy with him. It didn’t sit well at all. He could only think of one desperate move to make—marry her.

As quickly as the thought came to him, he dismissed it. There had to be something he could do that was less drastic. He just couldn’t think of what that might be at the moment. But he wasn’t giving up. He wasn’t a quitter—especially when the stakes were this high.

Xander shook hands with the Kostopouloses as introductions were made. And then as quickly as possible, he drew Lea aside.

“Why would you sell the island to them and not me?” he asked. “If it’s the money, I will top what they’re offering you.”

Lea’s expression didn’t reveal her reaction. In a calm voice, she said, “It isn’t about the money. What the baby and I need can’t be bought and paid for.”