What was he doing here? And then she realized that in her shock, she’d asked the most ridiculous question. He wasn’t here to see her—not like she’d dreamed about at night where they’d rushed into each other’s arms. No, he was here about her baby—their baby.

She’d only told him the news yesterday. She couldn’t believe he was standing in front of her. But he was looking a little out of sorts. His necktie was missing. His collar was loosened. He hadn’t shaved, leaving a dark shadow of stubble to highlight his squared jaw.

It was then that she noticed he wasn’t smiling as he made his way to her. If he wasn’t happy about the baby, why bother coming? It wasn’t like she’d placed any demands upon him. She wasn’t poor, even if the state of the island said otherwise. This land was worth a lot of money—he’d pointed that out to her. If the absolute worst happened, she could sell the island and live comfortably the rest of her life. But she would have to be desperate to sell her heritage. At this point, she wasn’t desperate. At least that was what she kept telling herself.

Hang in there. This is all going to work out.

She wondered if the pep speech was about the dire state of the island or about her impending meeting with Xander. She hadn’t moved since she’d watched him arrive. Normally she would have met a guest halfway, but not today—not with Xander frowning. She had to be strong and stand her ground. He could come to her.

When Xander finally stopped in front of her, she stood silently. Her stomach churned nervously. She hadn’t invited him here. It was up to him to decide how this conversation should go.

“I’m here.” He stared at her with tired eyes.

That’s it? That’s all he has to say?

She leveled her shoulders and tilted her chin upward. “I didn’t ask you to come. We could have handled this over the phone.”

“This is too serious for a phone call.”

But with a phone call, she would have been able to concentrate on the conversation instead of how he looked even sexier than she recalled. She fidgeted with the gemstone bracelet on her wrist before forcing her hands to remain still at her sides.

This conversation definitely would have gone smoother over the phone. As soon as she would have assured him that she wasn’t plotting a messy paternity or support lawsuit, they could have gotten back to their lives. Because she could do this parenting thing on her own. In fact, she was looking forward to being a mother.

When Lea noticed him staring expectantly at her, she said, “I thought you’d be busy with work.”

A definite note of incredulity clung to his voice. “You can’t just deliver a bombshell, over the phone no less, and expect me to do nothing.”

“What do you want to know?”

“How about for starters, are you sure the baby is mine?” His gaze narrowed as he stared at her as though by look alone he could ferret out the truth.

The fact that he would question her about something so important hurt—it hurt deeply. Apparently they didn’t know each other at all. The weekend they’d spent in each other’s company for every exquisite moment had meant more to her than him. So be it.

“Yes. I’m sure.” If he thought she was going to stand here in public to be interrogated, he was mistaken. “I have to go. I have an emergency.”

Without giving him a chance to respond, she turned back to the golf cart. She climbed inside and started it. She glanced up and was about to put her foot on the accelerator when she found him standing directly in her path, with his arms crossed over his broad chest and a definite frown on his face.

She sighed. “I don’t want to fight with you. In fact, I don’t want anything from you.”

“Then why call?”

Seriously? He had to ask that?

And then one of the staff started in their direction. The man was giving them a strange look as though trying to decide whether he should step in or not. She made a point of painting a friendly smile on her face and waving at her employee. The man smiled, nodded and kept moving.

Lea turned back to Xander. “Would you stop standing there like some Greek statue and get in?” When he didn’t move, she said, “Xander, don’t make a scene.”