The introductions seemed to somehow only further increase the awkwardness.

She cleared her throat before continuing. “Your daughter seemed interested in the flyer and—”

He cut her off. “Sister.”

She blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

“She’s not my daughter. She’s my sister. And she won’t be acting in some play.”

“She’s your sister?” She sounded incredulous.

“Half sister to be totally accurate.” Jordan rammed a hand through his hair in frustration. Again, none of this was any of her business.

“I see,” Jess responded. “Why?”

Was she serious? “Why is she my sister?”

She gave a small shake of her head. “No. Why don’t you want her to be in the play? I think it would give her a chance to get to know other children. I know you’re new to Martha’s Vineyard.”

If she couldn’t guess why, he wasn’t going to explain it to her.

Between Sonya’s difficulties with her hearing and her reluctance to speak, being involved in a play could open her to all sorts of taunts from the other children.

Damned if he would put Sonya through such exposure and embarrassment.

Not after all that she’d already been through.