“Get here?”

“Yes, you surely didn’t think we were stranded out here, did you?”

“So you found the emergency radio?”

With the moonlight highlighting Xander’s handsome face, he arched a brow and smiled at her. “Were you holding out on me?”

“I, uh... Well, I uh...”

Xander laughed, a deep rich tone that wrapped around her and let her know everything was going to be all right.

He sobered up. “It’s all right. I wanted to spend more time with you, too. But I didn’t think you’d want to spend the whole night on the beach and so I used the radio to call the marina office. They’re sending out a couple of boats.”

“Well, aren’t you my hero?”

“I’m just trying to watch out for a gorgeous mermaid.”

A hint of a smile eased the lines on his face. In the dark, it was difficult to read the look in his eyes, but she’d guess that she’d stroked his ego enough to make him happy.

“Um, let’s get that fire started.”

“You might not find much to make a fire,” she said.

“You know where we are?”

She nodded. “This is called Deadman’s Bay.”

He glanced around. “It doesn’t look that bad.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “In the daylight, it’s actually quite lovely with white sand and the aqua blue water.”

“Then why such a dreadful name?”

“It’s said that in the old days pirates would trap merchant ships in the bay and there was no other way out than past the pirates.” She pointed in front of them. “The cliffs go straight up some three hundred meters or more. Climbing them without the proper equipment is a fool’s mission.”

“Well, then, before the pirates get us, I should search for some driftwood or anything that will burn.” He headed off.

In no time, he had started a fire with the aid of a lighter from the plastic sack. She wondered what else he had stashed in that bag. Some s’mores would be great about now. Her stomach rumbled its approval. She wondered if they made s’mores in Greece.

Xander dragged a large log over near the fire and they sat down. He wrapped a hand over her shoulders and pulled her close. “Are you warm enough?”

“I’m getting there.” Suddenly she felt foolish for stripping down and diving in the water. “What are people going to say when they find us sitting here in our underwear?”

“I’m thinking the guys are going to be very jealous of me being here alone with you.”

“But...but nothing happened.”

He leaned in close and lowered his voice. “Would you like something to happen?”

The word yes hovered on her lips, but she bit it back. Perhaps she’d been daring enough for one evening. “I think this is, um, good. You never know when they’re going to find us.”

“Really? Because I’d be willing to risk it, if you are.”

She turned to look at him and realized that was a mistake. He was so close that their lips were just an inch apart. Her heart tap-tapped in her chest. She tried to tell herself that it was just the coldness but the truth was between the fire, the oversized towel and being snuggled against Xander, she wasn’t cold any longer.

Her gaze lowered to his lips and then she quickly turned away before she gave in to her desires. She was marooned on this deserted beach with literally the man of her dreams, and she was holding back. Popi would tell her she was being silly. That she should go with the moment and enjoy it—enjoy him. But Lea had a baby to think about. She couldn’t let herself get caught up in something that wasn’t real.

“Lea, I want you to know that I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed myself this much. If I were to be stuck on a deserted island, I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to be with.”

Her heart definitely skipped a beat. “I feel the same way.” Their gazes caught and held. Maybe she shouldn’t have said that. Trying to lighten the mood, she glanced away. “After all, you know how to start a fire and—”

“Lea, will you marry me?”

“What?” Surely she hadn’t heard him correctly.