Eve drew a shaky breath. Charlie’s proximity was making her body burn, she couldn’t even feel the cold of the water anymore. She let her gaze drop, scanning Charlie’s fantastic body. The little bikini top had trouble containing her surprisingly large chest and her stomach showed the faintest outline of abs. There was no sign of her bear mark but Eve was too distracted to care.

She inched forward, drawn to Charlie like a moth to a flame. She didn’t care that they were surrounded by people, she just wanted to kiss her until her lips were swollen and knew no other taste but hers.

Before their lips could connect, Charlie let out an unflattering shriek and dropped into the water. Eve was so stunned, it took her a moment to process the rejection. She was about to kick up a fuss when the splashing of water alerted her to someone else’s presence.

She turned around and Charlie’s actions suddenly made sense as she found Jack standing behind her.

He waved awkwardly. “Hey, I thought that was you.”

“I was just on my way out,” Eve said, acutely aware that Charlie couldn’t hold her breath forever.

“Same, it’s freezing.” Jack stared for a moment, gesturing to the water. “Wasn’t there someone with you?”

“No. No, nobody.” Eve brushed her hands over the water to cover up the air bubbles. She desperately racked her brain for a good way to get Jack to leave because the longer he stayed, the closer they came to their secret being discovered.

More bubbles welled up and the surface rippled as Charlie emerged from the depths of the lake.

Eve braced for the awkward conversation and potential judgement from her brother, confused when none of it came.

She glanced at Charlie and a shocked laugh escaped her mouth as a smallish black bear with a long snout and cute rounded ears stared back at her. That was one way to avoid detection.

Jack cleared her throat. “I’m going to head to the car but it looks like you might have found yourself a fated mate. Good luck.”

“Thanks,” Eve said.

He hesitated for a moment. “Be careful. Call me if someone bothers you, okay?”

Eve suddenly felt very warm and loved. That was the big brother she knew and had grown up with. She didn’t know why he’d been so distant in the last years but it was reassuring to know that he was still looking out for her.

“I’ll be alright. Thanks for looking out for me,” she said.

“Sure. See you.” With a simple wave, he turned and left the lake.

As happy as Eve was that he finally showed her some brotherly affection, she was even happier that he was gone because there was a situation that required her attention.

The bear let out a soft rumble and pressed her snout against Eve’s leg.

“That tickles,” she shrieked.

Charlie’s eyes sparkled even in her bear form.

“That was some clever thinking.” Eve couldn’t resist and patted the bear’s head, running her hands through the wet fur. It was surprisingly soft and she wanted to do it again, but when Charlie was dry.

“You are Charlie, right?” she asked.

The bear nodded.

“I thought so. Somehow I expected your fur to be blonde too but blonde bears aren’t a thing, are they?” Eve said, snickering at the image her brain conjured.

The low grunts coming from Charlie’s bear form sounded like laughter.

Eve gave her a little push. “Now can we get out of here? I’m freezing.”

With a playful yip, the bear dashed towards the shore and nudged her in passing.

“Oh, so you’re not going to change back then?” Eve laughed as she waded out, entirely and totally oblivious to the world around her. She just had eyes for Charlie, beautiful captivating Charlie who might be her fated mate.

That was something she would only find out in the morning.