“It’s just a lot of … works in progress, and it’s dusty. I didn’t think you’d find it interesting.”

She studied him and then shook her head. “All these days cooped up together, I’ve loved getting to know every facet about you. You’ve never told me a bald-faced lie before now.”

His eyes widened.

“What are you hidin’, Curt?”

Curt wanted to jump up and pace, but he stayed seated, his arm around her. He’d never felt so uncomfortable with her close. “I … I guess I was concerned that you’d notice my projects are in various stages of completion.”

“I noticed. Why is that?” She blinked up at him, so beautiful but far too inquisitive at the moment.

“Hey, I was thinking about your flight home tomorrow and your safety when you get home.”

She pulled back against the cushions as if he’d slugged her. “What about it?” Her voice was flat.

“I keep putting it off because I don’t want you to leave.” He flashed her what he hoped was a charming smile. “But I think Ray should contact Sutton Smith and hire his men to protect you until the perpetrators are found.”

“The Sutton Smith … billionaire, philanthropist, security expert, married to the most beautiful woman in the world and a former duchess? James Bond but better?”

He smiled. “Yeah, that guy.”

She shook her head. “Sometimes I forget how high-falutin’ you are.” Her eyes were too serious. “Silly, but I forget you’re a richie prince who knows all the rich and famous people.”

“I’m not. I’m just Curt.” His life was far removed from the castle, parties with dignitaries and famous people, and wealth.

They locked gazes, and hers said she wasn’t as comfortable with him as she had been, and she was a little annoyed with him changing the subject.

“Sutton has security operatives throughout the world,” he continued. “He would have the right people to keep you safe.”

“I would appreciate being safe,” she said slowly. “But I have no idea what Sutton Smith’s services might cost. Is there a more cost-efficient option? I am just a schoolteacher from the boonies of Georgia.”

Curt didn’t like the way she was talking. She was not ‘just’ anything. She was Aliya. She was special, and she meant as much to him as his own family.

“I’ll pay for it,” he told her. “Cost doesn’t matter. Your safety matters.”

She stared at him, bit her lip, and then said in a rush, “Then why don’t you come with me and protect me? We both know you’re capable.”

Curt did stand then and pace. He tried to smile at her as he admitted, “I can’t leave. Ray needs me here, monitoring everything in the mountains. This is my place.”

She stood as well, facing him with her hands on her hips. “Oh. I see how it is.”

Did she? Because Curt was actually confused about how it was. He was falling for her, but he couldn’t just up and leave his home and his responsibilities. He needed to help Ray protect their country. He needed to keep looking for the cure. He needed to … not lose Aliya.

“You can’t leave, or you’re afraid to commit to anything? To complete anything?” Her eyes narrowed, and she said bluntly, “You didn’t want me to see your shop because you don’t complete anything. Interesting, isn’t it?”

He usually loved her blunt honesty. Until he didn’t like right now.

Curt paced to the window, looking out at the inky blackness of a rain-slicked night. Ray’s men were out there. He hoped they weren’t miserable. Maybe he could trade one of them places.

He heard Aliya’s footsteps approaching, and he stiffened. She slipped her arms around him from behind, laying her head against his back. He immediately relaxed at her touch and found his hands wrapping around hers.

“I’m sorry I was too blunt.”

“It’s okay,” he said. But was it? If he couldn’t even talk to his own family about his issues, why should he let down his barriers with her?

He closed his eyes and let himself feel her close. Her presence soothed and strengthened him.

“I feel so close to you,” she said softly, echoing his thoughts.