“Yes, sir.”

“Me too.”

She liked the connection, but something about her dad’s voice saying to fight black bears with ‘everything you’ve got’ and ‘make everything into a weapon’ was tingling in her mind.

“I think I fought with one of the men. I can hear my dad telling me to fight and use whatever I could for a weapon. I can remember fighting to escape someone and being more terrified than I was when I fought that black bear.” She worried her lip and tried to remember more. “I can’t remember the man, though. Why can’t I see their faces?”

Curt unfolded his arms and walked up to her. He stopped close enough she could smell his clean scent, but not touching her.

She looked up into his blue eyes and felt reassured.

“It’s okay, Aliya. It’ll come, and if it doesn’t, I’ll keep you safe and Ray and his men will find some answers. It’s okay.”

“Bless you.” She loved his soothing voice and was grateful she’d fallen into the lake he was swimming at. Divine providence for certain.

“I’d better let you rest,” he said softly. “Is there anything I can get you?”

“A hug,” she admitted, worrying her lip as his gaze sharpened on her. “My mama says a hug can comfort the weary soul, and I’m sorely in need of some comfort.” Should she tell him a hug from him specifically was what she needed? She didn’t think a hug from some random person would have the power Curt’s would.

He looked unsure at best, but he opened his arms and she wasted no time stepping in and sliding hers around his back. Curt didn’t respond for half a beat, and all of his lovely muscles felt rigid and unyielding against her.

Maybe she’d been too forward. Should she release him and apologize? She didn’t want to lose this chance to connect with him, but she didn’t want to push him away either.

Then his arms came around her back, cradling her against his chest as if she were a long-lost friend.

She savored the sensation of Curt’s strength surrounding her and leaned in, letting him support her. He was solid, steady, and good clear through. The hug was comforting and exactly what she needed. Curt had promised he wouldn’t leave her, that he’d protect her, and now she felt the reassurance, the physical manifestation of those promises. Why he felt so deeply to care for and protect her when he hardly knew her, she didn’t know. Maybe he was simply an incredible person. It could also be that they had an unequaled connection and even though they hadn’t known each other long, their souls instinctively were drawn to and trusted the other like two opposite ends of magnets.

Long beats of beautiful hugging and comfortable silence ticked by. Aliya closed her eyes and was in no hurry to move an inch or break this embrace. Sleep could wait. She could sleep in. Sadly, there was nothing either of them could do to help Gracie right now. She relaxed into him and shut out every worry, fear, and the entire world.

Her cheek was pressed into the crook of his neck and her lips grazed his throat. His skin was warm and softer than she’d imagined it would be. She couldn’t resist tenderly kissing the side of his throat.

Curt’s head tilted down toward hers. She opened her eyes to see him staring deeply at her. A longing ache filled his blue eyes, and Aliya’s entire being seemed to respond. Her skin flushed with warmth, her body trembled against his, and her heart picked up its beat. She had never felt like this. Curt was more than a valiant and thoughtful man … he was meant to be her man.

That thought jolted her, and she jumped slightly. Curt released her and backed away as if spooked. Had he had similar thoughts?

“Can you rest now?” he asked, taking another step back toward the door.

“I’ll give it my best,” she murmured.

“I’ll see you in the morning.” He hurried to the door, slid out, and firmly shut it behind him before Aliya could beg him to hug her again. Would he have crossed those inches separating them if she hadn’t jumped like a new colt not sure of her place in the world? Her place was in Curt’s arms.

She flopped onto the bed and turned off the light. Her place wasn’t in Curt’s arms. He was a prince of a foreign country. She was a teacher from the backwoods of Georgia. Of course she was attracted to, grateful for, and impressed by him. Any woman would be. They weren’t destined to be together.

As she tossed and turned, she realized that at least her worries had changed from stewing about her memory and what had happened to Gracie to stewing about how to not let herself fall for the most incredible man on the planet.

Chapter Eight

Curt had trouble sleeping. It had nothing to do with guards outside his window or guards in his house. He was used to people coming and going. Usually he locked his bedroom door, but the rest of the cabin was free game to everyone. With guards patrolling to keep them safe and Aliya next door, he’d left his bedroom door open. He wasn’t sure at the moment if that had been a smart move or absolute idiocy.

When was the last time he’d hugged someone like that? Had he ever? Their bodies had melded together and Aliya had leaned into him as if he were her protector, her lover, her man. Aliya could be his everything. If he let her.

He couldn’t. It was idiotic and simply wrong to fall for a woman who was in danger, suffering from a head injury, vulnerable, dependent on him, and didn’t even reside on the same continent. He needed to keep his desire and longing for her under control. If he loved and lost again … he couldn’t let his mind go there and drop into the deep funk he’d been fighting to get out of since losing Suzanne and his mum.

The next morning dawned bright and beautiful. Curt woke instinctively ready to eat something quick and get out and explore. But he couldn’t. He needed to stay right here and protect Aliya. She couldn’t go hiking all over the mountains while healing from a head injury, and he couldn’t expose her to those men if they were still out there and hadn’t run after glimpsing royal guards and military men hunting for them.

Gazing out his window and seeing two of those royal guards in their casual gray uniforms and hiking boots, holding their weapons and patrolling his quiet haven, brought the situation even more strongly to light. Would Aliya remember something today? Would they find those men or be able to follow their tracks?

Curt took a quick shower, dressed in a T-shirt and cargo pants, and hurried out of his suite. He paused next to Aliya’s suite but heard no movement. Should he check on her? What was required as her protector? He was no bodyguard. Maybe he could call Ray and ask if he should take a quick peek to make certain she was safe? But he couldn’t bring himself to invade her privacy in her bedroom. He prayed she was all right as he hurried downstairs.