“Thank you. You’re welcome to use any of the suites to rest as well.”

“We’ll be spelled off in the morning, but I appreciate the offer, Prince Curtis.” Jacob saluted, and hurried up the porch to the cabin door, swinging it wide. It was common knowledge that Curt didn’t lock the doors, except the door to his personal suite. If a traveler came through while he was away, he wanted them to have a place to rest and find food and water. He supposed now he’d need to lock the doors and remember the codes Ray had programmed for him. Of course Ray would remember the codes, but Curt had no clue what they were.

Brad had his A.R. in his hands and was standing between them and the forest, his gun pointed out as if bad guys would leap out at any second. Curt didn’t know that they needed all the security. He’d taken care of himself for years and thought he could take care of Aliya too, but Jensen said Ray had been insistent. He appreciated his brother caring deeply and believing Aliya’s feelings of being in danger. It could all be her head injury talking, but somehow he didn’t think so.

Aliya hugged herself. With the sun down and them higher in the mountains, it was cooling off fast. Even in the summer, it sometimes got cold enough to leave frost during the night. She needed a sweatshirt or jacket. Luckily, he had a few extras on hand.

They waited in the still evening air. It was crisp and clean and Curt loved his mountain home.

Finally, Jacob walked out and nodded to them. “Clear. We’ll lock and arm the doors, sir. General Raymond entrusted me with the code.”

“All right.” Curt didn’t reveal he didn’t know the code. He’d call Ray after he got Aliya settled.

He put his hand on Aliya’s back and escorted her across the natural landscape. It would be strange to plant grass up here, but he had an old hand mower and kept a space cleared between the trees in front as a sort-of yard and in the back to his spacious shop.

They walked up the porch steps. The wraparound porch had a wide swing and two rocking chairs. He pulled open the solid wood front door and escorted her into the open living area. The main floor had twelve-foot ceilings and massive windows and was open front to back. It contained a living area, dining area, and kitchen. The only walled off areas were a laundry room and bathroom off the back entrance.

“Oh, my giddiance,” Aliya breathed out. “This is prettier than the prom queen.”

Curt laughed. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed this much. Things should be serious and worrisome with what Aliya was going through and possibly a threat out there that had no face or name, but she made him feel light and happy.

“We never had a prom queen, but I’ve seen American movies, so I appreciate the reference.” He grinned at her. Could he tell her she was prettier than any prom queen or actress portraying one? Probably not. He also wanted to show her all the woodwork in the house and brag about how he’d carved and installed it. But he hadn’t completed a project since his mum died, so he didn’t want to open that door.

“I’d better get you settled and resting before I get in trouble with your doc. Are you hungry or thirsty?”

“Some water would be delectable. I should be hungry, but my stomach is churnin’ with all the worries in my brain about Gracie and those evil men and that I’m bringing danger and stress on all ya’ll. Then I start worryin’ that worryin’ might hurt my brain worse. Does that make any sense?”

“I was thinking something similar driving up here. I’m stewing and worrying about so many things and hoping I can help you not to worry so you can heal.” He stepped in closer, and his voice got deep and husky without him intending it to. “Aliya, I promise you are safe with me. I will protect you. You don’t need to worry about anything. My brother Ray’s men will watch out for us and if your friend and those men are in the mountains, they’ll find them.”

She blinked up at him, so beautiful and beguiling and trusting. Then her mouth softened, and she whispered, “Bless you, Prince Curtis. I don’t believe I’ve ever met your equal.”

He smiled at that, though he sensed she was deadly serious. “Just Curt, please.”

“Curt,” she whispered. The look in her eyes and the tenderness in her voice sent a tremor of pleasure and anticipation through him. It was definitely not the moment to kiss her as he needed her to know that he didn’t expect any kind of reward for protecting her, but he couldn’t remember ever longing to have a woman in his arms like he did her.

With extreme self-control, he stepped back and then pivoted and strode to the large kitchen area and around the granite center island. He pulled open a cupboard and grabbed a large glass. Going to the fridge, he filled it with ice and water. He had to grip the cup tighter to keep his hand from trembling. What was this woman doing to him?

He turned and walked back to her, extending the glass. Their fingers brushed as she took it and drank deeply. He studied her lips, her eyes, her neck as she swallowed.

“Bless you. That is delectable.”

“I have a free-flowing spring that gives us all the ‘delectable’ water we could want.”

She smiled. “You are truly blessed.”

He was, though he hadn’t thought about it much lately. He’d never lost his faith, but losing Suzanne and his mum had definitely dented his ability to focus on gratitude and blessings like he used to.

He wanted to talk to Aliya for hours, find out so many things about her, listen to her accent and smile at her unique way of phrasing things, get to know her better, and sometime soon hold her close and maybe taste those luscious-looking lips of hers.

But she was injured, and he was out of his realm with feelings like that surfacing.

He gestured toward the staircase. “Let me show you your suite.”


“Wait one moment.” He rushed toward the laundry room, opened an upper cupboard, and pulled out the stack of women’s clothing and underwear. He hurried back to Aliya. “Some clothes and … other stuff for you. They get left behind by hikers. I wash them and have them ready for anybody who needs them. I hope some of them fit.” He was talking too fast and too much.

He started walking toward the stairs and she fell into step, holding her glass of water.