“Now you listen to your mama. No doctor is going to keep my girl in some foreign country and away from her mama when she’s injured. You get on home or I will come find you and I will bring you on home!”

She snuck a glance at Curtis. His brow was creased with concern. Humiliation made her neck flush hot. Her mama wasn’t going to listen, and if Aliya hung up to avoid having an awkward confrontation in front of these impressive men, Mama would be hounding Chief Jensen at this number until the cows came home.

“Pardon me, ma’am,” Curtis spoke up, his lilting, exotic accent a sharp contrast to her mama’s deep Southern slang. “This is Prince Curtis August with my close friend, the chief of our country’s police department, Chief Jensen Allendale.”

“A prince?” her mama sputtered. “My darlin’ is with a prince and the chief of your whole police force?”

“Yes, ma’am. You’re welcome to Google us if you’d like.”

“I am on it like grease on a spoon.”

Curtis smiled and winked at her.

Aliya’s eyes widened, and her regard for Curtis increased. She’d sensed he didn’t like people focusing on his prince-ly-ness, like that nurse ogling him, but he was using his title to calm the situation with her mama.

“Ma’am, I apologize that we can’t fly your daughter home until we’re certain she is properly healed. We take our guests’ health and comfort very seriously here in the Kingdom of Augustine.”

“Do you now?” Her mama gasped. “Your photo came right up on my computer screen. Woo-hoo, boy, you are one handsome devil, did you know that?”

“I appreciate the compliment, Mama Drummond. Is it all right if I call you that?”

“Now I’d be flattered by that title, Prince Curtis.”

Oh, boy. The entire town of Blue Ridge would know every last word spoken in this phone call within minutes of them hanging up. The tale would grow and be exaggerated with each repeat. Aliya would never hear the end of it. Maybe she’d stay right here in Augustine and never go home. With the handsome prince rescuing her … her mind strayed to visions of her and Curtis exploring these unreal mountains. Would he want her to stay with him beyond her recovery, or was she creating a pipe dream?

“The doctor recommended at least ten days for her brain to heal from her injury before she travels. We will keep in touch, Mama Drummond, with how Aliya is feeling and let you know when she gets her memory back. If your esteemed husband remembers the names of the men she began her hike with, we’d appreciate that information.”

“Of course. We’ll be right on it like a hammer jack. In fact, I’ll spruce myself up, get my heels and my jewelry on, and go down to visit him at the feed yard straightaway, then I’ll call ya right back. At this number?”

“This is Chief Jensen’s number, and he’d be very grateful for any information your husband has. I’ll have him text you my number so you can call anytime. I’ll be taking Aliya to my cabin so she can rest and re?—”

“Slow down there, Clark Gable. What’s that ya say? Stayin’ at your cabin?” Mama sounded scandalized. “You might be a charmin’, handsome, and richie prince, but ya ain’t takin’ my girl alone to some cabin and riskin’ her reputation.”

Chief Jensen wasn’t even trying to hide his smile. He spoke up before Curtis could. “Mrs. Drummond, this is Chief Jensen again. I swear to you, ma’am, that Prince Curt’s intentions and heart are honorable. He frequently hosts hikers, so no one will take her lodging amiss. He will treat your daughter like a princess and would never damage her virtue or her reputation.”

“Oh, now, I like that. Honorable sorts of gents, now aren’t ya both?”

Quick turnaround for her mama for sure, but Aliya wasn’t about to question it. The chief did have a very authoritative and trustworthy vibe about him.

“Yes, ma’am,” Curt said, smiling at Aliya, but his cheeks darkened as if he were embarrassed by her mama calling him out. “I also swear to you on my honor as a royal of the house of Augustine that I will protect your daughter and treat her with courtesy and respect.”

“Now I like that, but ya ain’t just tryin’ to charm me now, are ya?”

“We wouldn’t do that, ma’am,” Chief Jensen said, smiling broadly. “Prince Curt is a man of integrity, and he regrettably doesn’t know the meaning of charm. His brothers Tristan and Malik hold the corner on that market.”

Aliya laughed, but she really appreciated that Chief Jensen was right and Curtis wasn’t some charmer. She’d gotten the sense he was more reserved and not a womanizer. It shouldn’t matter as she’d be flying home in ten days, but she was far too intrigued by this prince. Jensen might claim Curtis didn’t ‘know the meaning of charm,’ but to Aliya he was off the charts charming.

“All righty then. I guess I have to trust the word of the cop boss. You boys take good care of my darlin’ girl, or I’ll be comin’ over there with my rollin’ pin to thump some royal buns, I tell ya what.”

Jensen barked out a laugh as Curtis’s eyes went wide and he whispered to Jensen, “What language is she speaking?”

“Thank you, Mama,” she needed to end this call. “I love ya dearly, and I’ll be just fine. You be praying for me and I’ll check in soon.”

“I will be prayin’ and you get to healin’ and keepin’ that royal prince in line. Ya hear me, darlin’?”

“Yes, Mama.”

“Love you, girlie.”