“Thank you. Aliya?” Dr. Steffan focused on her. “You’re bruised up, but you’re going to be just fine. I’ve ordered some brain and spinal scans. As soon as we’re assured there’s no damage to your spinal cord or swelling on your brain, we’ll get you in a more comfortable position and see if we need to stitch up the cut to your head or any of the scrapes on your legs.”

“Okay.” She tried to smile naturally. She didn’t want to be some besotted female, but … princes? Maybe hitting her head and feeling like she was being chased weren’t the worst things in the world. If Gracie was okay, she’d happily take the fear of unknown assailants, the discomfort of lying on this board, and this pain in her head for the fact that she’d been rescued by one prince and was being treated by another.

Prince Curtis had been ultra-appealing and beautifully promised to protect her and stay by her side. Would he act differently now that she knew his royal identity? She glanced at him. He had his arms folded tightly, and though it made his muscles flex beautifully, she didn’t like the closed-off look on his face. He didn’t want her to know he was a prince. She didn’t want him to leave her. If she promised not to act star-struck, would he stay close by? If not, who would protect her when those faceless men came after her?

Chapter Four

Curt had promised Aliya he would stay close by and not leave her. So he didn’t. Except for quickly changing into the scrubs and putting the weird hospital socks with treads on, and when Steffan forced him to step away while she had a scan done on her head, neck, and back, he stayed close by her side. Her eyes constantly tracked him and she seemed to appreciate him being near.

He wished she didn’t know he was a prince. Would that change anything? Would she act enraptured and starry-eyed like so many women did? If only he could get her alone and simply get to know her. They’d met in an extreme way, but he was interested in her for far more than her beautiful face and shape. He was impressed with her calm despite her extreme circumstances, intrigued by how it felt when they touched, and he really liked the way she talked.

Finally, Steffan finished with all his tests, questions, and evaluations. They stepped out into the main area of the emergency room while the nurse drew the curtains and helped Aliya change into some clean and dry scrubs.

“She has mild amnesia and a concussion,” Steffan explained. “She needs a quiet place to heal, and I don’t want her on an airplane for at least ten days. Jensen and Ray aren’t going to want to leave her unguarded if there are really men who hurt her friend running free that she can identify once her amnesia clears.” He pursed his lips. “We could keep her in a room here if you want, but Jensen would probably have to assign a protection detail, and even my brilliantly-run hospital is not the most relaxing or comfortable spot to heal.” He smirked. “The palace isn’t a great option with the limited staff, recent issues, and can you imagine the sensory overload the castle could give a person with a brain injury?”

All good points.

“We could put her up in Malik’s condo, I believe he’s in Thailand for another week, and Ray could send some guards to watch her. Or …” Steffan shrugged, obviously running out of viable options.

“I’m not leaving her,” Curt said, jutting out his chin, folding his arms across his chest, and daring his next oldest brother to challenge him.

“Oh?” Steffan’s brows lifted. “I didn’t realize you were an option to protect her. Ray’s always saying how invaluable you are to him.”

“She’s in danger, and I promised I wouldn’t leave her.” He’d have to have some of Ray’s men patrol the mountains in his place for a while, especially if those men were around. He appreciated being invaluable to Ray but he also knew his brother would help him however he needed.

“She might be in danger, or she might only think she’s in danger.” Steffan’s blue eyes were piercing. “Her mind can’t recall anything from today or anything relating to the alleged men. She’s pretty sure she met them before this morning but she can’t picture them or remember their names. It makes sense if they threatened or hurt her or her friend and then she had the head injury. She could be shutting out anything related to them. A self-defense mechanism. Or she could be making the entire thing up to get close to an Augustine prince.” He lifted his hands and shrugged.

“Will her memory come back?” Curt refused to believe that sassy and sweet lady would fling herself headfirst off a waterfall and lie that she had amnesia to get close to him.

It wasn’t broadcast, but people in legitimate backpacking circles knew that Prince Curtis August would welcome travelers into his home. She could easily have met him by walking up to his front door.

“It should,” Steffan said. “But sometimes it doesn’t. I’ve seen head trauma patients who never remember the day of their accident. But if she does remember suddenly, it could really mess with her brain.”

Curt nodded, hoping she’d remember, and that remembering wouldn’t be too much of a shock. Apprehending those men would definitely give Aliya peace of mind. If the men had hurt her friend and were dangerous, why hadn’t they come after Aliya and Curt before the helicopter arrived? If she really had started the day in Salzburg, distance might be an issue. How far could she have traveled downstream without more serious injuries?

“Have Ray or Chad found the men she thought were chasing her or the friend?” Steffan asked.

“Not yet,” Curt conceded. The most recent text said they’d found nothing. Ray had also been checking the missing person’s reports, but if Aliya and her friend had been in Salzburg this morning and planned to hike for five days with the mystery men and very limited cell phone coverage, her friend’s family wouldn’t be missing her yet. “But it’s a massive mountain range.”

“True.” Steffan lifted his hands. “Jensen is waiting to speak to her. Where are you hoping to take her?”

Jensen was Ray’s close friend and the head of their police force. Great guy.

“I’ll take her to my cabin. It’s quiet and peaceful and she can heal there.” He met Steffan’s gaze evenly, hopefully not revealing that he was drawn to this woman and liked the way she looked at him, as if he could protect her. He had no desire to take her to the castle or stay there himself, and like Steffan said, with the recent issues, still not finding Mum’s murderer, and the sensory overload from the intricate and gorgeous rooms and dramatic views, the castle wouldn’t be the best spot. He would loathe staying in Malik’s condo in Traverse until she was cleared to travel home.

“How will you patrol if you’re babysitting?”

“Ray can send some men to cover it. He’ll do that for me. I’d like the patrols upped anyway. If Aliya’s fears are true, there could be two men in the mountains who are after her and who have hurt her friend. I’ve got decent security at the cabin, plenty of weapons, and if Ray has men close by, we’ll be safe.”

“All right.” Steffan clapped him on the shoulder. “If Jensen and Ray agree, it sounds like the best option.”

Curt hoped she’d remember, especially if those men had hurt her friend, otherwise they might never find them or her friend.

The nurse who seemed so gaga over princes exited the space Aliya was in. She nodded and smiled at each of them in turn.

“Thank you, Shaylee.”

“Of course, Prince … Doctor … anything you need.” She batted her eyelashes and licked her lips.