Russ let out a roar and lunged at her. Kaden came around to his other side. The two men were huge and despite her obviously impressive training, skills, and bravado, it had to be terrifying to see these huge bodyguards coming at her like that.

Gray rushed to protect her. He wouldn’t let any woman be hurt while he was there to keep her safe.

Sara squatted and used Russ’s shoulders to launch herself into the air. It looked like a move off an action movie. She kicked Russ in the head again and he knocked into Kaden. She flipped and landed next to Gray. Scrambling behind him and onto his back, she wrapped both legs around his waist and one arm so tight around his neck he was immediately gasping for air. She shoved a pistol into his temple that he hadn’t even seen her pull out.

Russ and Kaden were rushing their way, but they both froze. They looked angry enough to chew up and spit out nails. But they also looked helpless, which he’d never seen out of his security team. Russ’s eyes were desperate. He’d do anything to keep Gray safe. Gray knew Russ had made a deathbed promise to his mom to protect her only son with his life.

The room went cold, despite the warm woman wrapped around him from behind. This was no romantic move. Sara was tough, crazy, an impressive fighter, and she was going to kill him. Gray had assumed because of her association with Scarlett Lily that she was a good person and had stupidly let her in his house. He wasn’t sure why she hadn’t killed him outside, but he suspected she was enjoying the game and ridiculing all of them before finishing them off.

At the moment, he didn’t have time to philosophize about her motives or how tough, accomplished, and insane she was. She must’ve been sent by the mafia or maybe by that crazy Princess Byoode to kill him. It didn’t look like Russ or Kaden could intervene before she pulled the trigger. Could he talk her out of killing his men? His life flashed before his eyes. He’d helped a lot of people, especially women in danger, but he had no family left, no legacy but his music and all of his money to leave behind. Was this how it would end for him?

“Please,” he croaked out. She was letting in just enough oxygen to keep him from passing out. “Kill me if that’s your objective, but let my men go.”

“No,” Russ barked out. “Don’t kill him,” he demanded, desperation making his voice even rougher. “We’ll do anything you want.”

“Please,” Gray repeated. He appreciated Russ and knew he truly would do anything for him but if this woman was going to kill him there wasn’t much hope of him living through a bullet inserted in his brain. “These men aren’t part of your hit,” he said in what he hoped was a logical and sane tone. “You’ll still get paid by whoever sent you and you won’t have four great men’s deaths on your hands as well.” He squeaked in another quick breath. “If there’s any humanity left in you, please let them live.”

The room went quiet. Sara held on tightly to him but she quivered slightly. Russ and Kaden stared at him in horror. He could see Cameron out of the corner of his eye, struggling to move around the pool table and get closer, even though he was bound.

He focused on his stepdad. The man’s dark eyes were full of frustration and despair. He couldn’t handle letting Gray die after they’d both lost Gray’s mom. Gray understood Russ’s anguish, but this was a sacrifice Gray would make every time.

He knew Cameron, Tim, and Kaden would also give their lives for his. He knew they would. But right now it was his turn to take that burden.

Gray waited for her to pull the trigger, praying that she’d honor his request and his last act would at least preserve the four men who had protected and served him and their country. He wasn’t ready to die, but there were worse things. He’d see his mom and meet his Savior soon. That was a comforting thought. All of his billions were earmarked for Jex and Pearl Steele’s charities. His money would help many children throughout the world.

It wasn’t the worst way to end his sojourn on the earth. As long as Sara let his men live.

Find Matchmaking the Singer and the Warrior on Amazon.

The Brave Prince and the Teacher

Author’s Note

As I researched southern expressions to use in this book, I was stunned how many of these expressions my daddy used regularly. The only time he lived in the south was during his military service. He must’ve loved it deeply to pick up and pepper his speech with so many of their well-loved and hilarious expressions. I wish I could ask him about it but regrettably I can’t until I see him in heaven.

It was a lot of fun for me to work in the fun quotes from the south with Aliya, her family, and her hometown. I pray I didn’t use too many and you enjoy the ‘sweet Southern sass’ like I did.

Hugs and happy reading,


Chapter One

Aliya Mae Drummond inhaled deeply and looked around at the majestic towering peaks covered in emerald green beauty except at the tops where gray rock jutted out, too tall to even grow trees.

“I love you more than Mama’s pecan pie, towering Alp mountains!” she called out, lifting her hands up to heaven. Then her tone become more reverent. “Thank you Jesus for your beautiful world.”

Jared laughed. Apparently her love for this beauty and praise for heaven were humorous to him. Not to her. It was genuine, and she felt deep gratitude for the good Lord, His creations, and how blessed she was to be in Europe.

“I take it you’re chuffed you extended your trip?” Jared asked, grinning as they walked at a decent clip up the steep mountain path.

“If chuffed means happy, then you betcha. Happier than a preacher on Sunday morning.” She’d flown into Munich two weeks ago, alone, which bothered her parents, sisters, friends, pastor, fellow schoolteachers, her principal and boss, even the school secretaries and janitor. Basically everybody she knew. Even the checker at Ingles’ Market had an opinion that included ‘parking her booty at home like a good Southern girl.’

Nobody thought the innocent teacher from Blue Ridge, Georgia could survive in Europe by herself. But she’d gone with a reputable tour group and everything had turned out even better than the lofty dreams she’d envisioned for her European tour. It had been absolutely incredible touring cities, countryside, and mountains in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. She’d become fast friends with Gracie from Phoenix, Arizona, also an elementary school teacher so they had a lot in common.

A few days before the tour ended, the two women had met Jared and Ammon from Bristol, England at an outdoor café in Salzburg. They’d run into the men a couple more times in Salzburg and on their day trip to gorgeous Lake Hallstatt.

Jared and Ammon proposed the women join them on the backpacking adventure they had planned from Austria through Augustine and into Switzerland after their tour ended. It was a route the men had each done several times. They promised a bed each night in either a mountain hut, hotel, or hostel, no sleeping on the hard ground, and even promised they’d take them to meet Prince Curtis of Augustine, a mate of theirs, and stay the night in his luxurious mountain cabin. They had all the gear and the women each had a backpack and good hiking shoes and clothes, as lots of walking and some hiking had been part of their tour.