Ray didn’t say anything. Misery filled him. Malik was right. His little brother didn’t know the engagement wasn’t real. He shouldn’t tell him and try to justify that he wasn’t truly trying to steal his twin’s girl. No matter how he looked at it, Ray was in the wrong. He’d been doing so well. Or so he thought. Could everybody see right through him?

“The crazy thing is …” Malik blinked at him and rubbed at his jaw. “T doesn’t seem enthralled with her like you are. Maybe it’s the whole dating online thing. The two of them just don’t have the sparks you and Macey have. T would do anything for you. Can’t you talk this through with him? Maybe he won’t care about letting her go.”

“Ah, Malik.” Ray shook his head. “I’d care. The whole country, the entire world, everybody would care. I … I can’t be with her.” He couldn’t spell it all out to Malik. He trusted his brother, but the fewer people who knew the farce, the better. “Pray for me that this will pass.”

Malik stared at him. “You know I’m not someone who turns to God. Not anymore.”

“I know.” Ray nodded. Malik used to be the one who’d quote them scripture or suggest they pray when things got hard, but not since Mum died. Were they all just a mess and destined to struggle without her bright light?

If he could have Macey in his life, he thought he might be all right.

But he couldn’t have Macey in his life.

He clapped Malik on the shoulder and forced a smile. “It’s all right. I’m praying enough for the entire family right now.” Yet he could use their prayers. If only he could tell his brothers what was really going on.

“You’re a singularly impressive man, Ray.” Malik stared into his eyes, and he felt … exposed. “The general. The man who watches over the entire country, the family. You take care of everybody.”

“Thanks,” he said, though he wasn’t certain it was a compliment.

The kingdom of Augustine doesn’t turn unless Ray is at the crank. The wheels of Augustine don’t rotate without the general’s permission. He could hear the teases from T’s lips.

You would do anything to protect this family, protect this kingdom. I know we’re safe with you around.

His mum. He hadn’t protected her. He had to protect T and everyone else. He had to. He couldn’t be distracted by loving Macey.

“When are you going to look out for yourself?” Malik asked.

Ray’s defenses flared. Being unselfish and looking out for others wasn’t wrong. It had always been his purpose, strengthened by losing his mum.

“I’m not telling you to be a selfish jerk.” Malik rolled his eyes. “You could never be that. I’m telling you that Pops was a better man with Mum around. I’m telling you that if Macey is the right woman for you, T will support you and the rest of the garbage will work out.”

Ray only stared at him. He wasn’t sure he processed any of what Malik said because only a few things made sense. Their dad was a better man because of their mum.

What did Malik know of politics, though? He was a prince, but he didn’t carry the weight of the kingdom. He wasn’t forced to live by a set of unwritten rules that governed everything he did and said. He could earn degree after degree and never work in his field. He could date any woman he chose and never worry about the repercussions. He could haul off and thump some guy who was beating his wife and only get a wrist slap for it. Ray admired his brother’s impetuousness, lack of convention, and bravery, but that wasn’t Ray. Everything Ray did had purpose.

But … if Macey is the right woman for you.

Ray thought she was.

“I’m going to go help Pops read with Kiera. Her nanny is super hot.” Malik winked.

“Lisa can’t be over twenty and she has a boyfriend.” Had a boyfriend, but Malik needed to be dissuaded. Lisa having a fling with their brother wouldn’t be good for Kiera or any of them.

“Who cares? That’s only four years younger than me, and just because there’s a goalie doesn’t mean you can’t score a kiss.”

Ray rolled his eyes, but he laughed. His brother. What woman would finally settle him down? If Malik found the right one, would it help him heal from losing Mum?

Was Macey Ray’s right woman?

They walked out of the bathroom. The pool was quiet, no ripples. Macey had a tank top over her swimsuit and was standing by the spa entrance. She lifted a hand to them and walked over. Ray tried not to stare at her gorgeous legs, but looking into her gorgeous eyes wasn’t any easier on him.

“Your dad took Kiera down to get ready for bed. T dried off and got in one of the massage chairs.”

“You didn’t want a massage?” Ray asked.

“I wanted to keep an eye out.”

“Thank you.”