She laughed at herself and bit at her lip.

“Madeline. Please.”

Her heart leapt at the supplication in his tone. He needed her.

She flung the door open.

Nolan stood there. Dressed casually in a gray T-shirt and blue joggers, he couldn’t hide the depth of his character or his royalty. He looked as regal and enticing as ever.

His blue eyes zeroed in on her. They swept over her face, her lips, her body, then back up. His gaze fastened on hers and she leaned toward him, drawn in by his intensity, his draw, all that he was and could be to her.

Nolan released a low groan and then he stormed into the room, swept her off her feet, and cradled her against his chest.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and questioned softly, “Nolan?”

His gaze suddenly looked tortured. He easily carried her to the nearby couch, sank down into it, and held her even tighter.

“Madeline,” he began softly. “I’ve been holding back as you requested, trying to show you this is no quick burn for me. On our drive and afterward in the garage, I felt like we broke through some barriers. Then leaping off the ledge together, as a team, holding you close in the waterfall pool tonight and holding hands as we walked back …” He searched her gaze. “I’m praying you felt that shift. It hit me harder than a hammer on an anvil. I need you in my life, in my arms … If I’m moving too fast, please tell me. I’ll walk out that door and I’ll wait another month. I’ll wait another year. Whatever you need. But please … if you feel the same, will you put me out of my misery?”

Madeline blinked at him, emotion rising to the surface. He’d wait for her. He needed her in his heart, his life, and his arms. Her heart thumped quick and light. She felt head over heels in love.

How did his feelings for her compare to Anne?

She pushed those worries away and focused on the very real and incredible man holding her close.

“Misery?” she questioned, running her fingertips along his neck.

He drew in a breath and said on the exhale, “Abject misery. Having you right here and not being able to hold you close… I can’t imagine a worse form of torture.”

She didn’t want to smile at his misery, but she couldn’t hold it in.

“Oh? My misery brings a smile to your beautiful face?”

Emotion filled her, and she hoped she wouldn’t cry. “That you’re miserable for me, Nolan. That you feel so deeply about me. I’ve never had that in my life. Never been so invested in, taken with, drawn to, connected with, consumed by a man as I am by you.” She didn’t dare say love. Not yet.

Now he was the one smiling. “Do you mean that?”

“I do.”

Nolan released one hand from her waist. He gently cupped her chin and drew her face closer to his. Sitting down, they were closer to the same height. She focused on his blue eyes.

“You consume me, Madeline. I’ve fallen so hard for you, I’m sure I’ve broken bones and torn ligaments, but I don’t care. I’ll break anything, go through anything, simply to have you close, to know you care, to believe there’s a hope that we can be together.” His voice lowered and his gaze grew even more intense. He whispered fiercely, “Anything, Madeline. Anything for you, love.”

Love? He’d just called her love.

Madeline wanted to hear him say he loved her. She could listen to his sweet words of devotion all night long. They’d get to the ‘I love you’ part, but right now it was time to see if his lips could seize her like his blue eyes did.

She blinked up at him and moistened her lips.

His gaze grew hungry. “What can I do for you?”

“Kiss me,” she whispered.

His smile broke through. “With pleasure.”

Nolan’s mouth captured hers, and Madeline realized she’d had no idea what consumed meant until this moment. His mouth moved against hers and she was completely captivated, devoted, inspired, addicted, obsessed, and consumed by him and with him.

She slid her arms around his neck as he cradled her in his arms. The kiss continued and continued, and she never wanted it to end. Nolan was her everything—her passion, her love, her perfect match.