“Come on!” Tristan called.

Nolan looked to Madeline. Her eyes were wide. “How cold is that water?”

“It’s a mountain lake. Even in August, the water will feel like a chilled soda.”

She gave an exaggerated shiver, hugging herself. He laughed. She was adorable, and far too appealing. He had to look away or he might grab her and hug her in front of all his children, forgetting all about the ‘taking it slow’ admonition. They’d made some strides on the drive and in the garage. He could feel their momentum building.

Ray, Macey, Chad, Hope, Faith, and Kiera all exchanged glances. The four guards stepped back, watching with slight smiles on their faces, knowing they wouldn’t have to jump as they were guarding the family.

Kiera grabbed Faith’s hand and hollered, “Let’s go. Gainer for me.”

Faith laughed, and they ran to the edge. Kiera released her friend’s hand and launched herself up and out, flipping and landing almost without a splash.

“I guess we do it.” Chad tilted his head to Ray.

“Go for it.” Hope pushed at her husband’s chest.

“I’ll cheer you on,” Macey said to Ray.

Chad lifted his eyebrows. “General?”

“Definitely,” Ray said.

The men both smiled, swooped their wives off their feet, and ran for the edge. Hope and Macey protested and struggled, but then they were over the edge and in the water and their objections were cut short.

Madeline laughed at their sons’ crazy behavior. She turned to Nolan and warned, “Don’t you dare carry me into that freezing water.”

Their children were all laughing and splashing behind them. Even Macey and Hope were taking part in the fun.

Nolan smiled and extended his hand, praying she’d take his offer. “I won’t carry you, but we have to jump or we’ll never live it down. As a team?”

He wanted to be a team with her in every way and hoped someday she’d agree.

She looked at his hand, then back up at him. Nolan waited.

“Come on, Pops,” Kiera called to him.

“Mum!” Chad hollered. “You’ll love it.”

Madeline smiled and shook her head. “I doubt I’ll love it, but …” Her smile grew and her emerald eyes were full of him. “How could I possibly resist the king?”

Nolan’s heart rate picked up. Did she mean that? Did her words only apply to this circumstance, or was she done fighting the connection between them? A month wasn’t a long time to ‘date’ and be together constantly in the scheme of life and love, but they’d known each other for years and he’d been interested in and hyperaware of her for over eight months now. Apparently, she’d taken a little longer to notice him.

Nolan was tired of hiding the depth of his longing and need for her. He wanted her as his partner, his friend, his wife. Not that he would admit it yet, or she might push him away again.

Madeline placed her hand in his, and Nolan interlaced their fingers. He could hear everyone in the lake calling to them, but he could only see Madeline. Their hands clasped together meant everything to him. This might finally be his moment.

“Let’s do this before I wimp out. I hate cold water.” She grinned impishly and tugged him toward the ledge.

They stepped onto the rock and looked at the expectant faces and chattering teeth of their children.

“Count them down!” Faith cried out. “Three …”

“Two …” Everyone joined in. “One!”

Nolan and Madeline locked gazes. And then they leaped.

Falling. Together. A thrill and the joy of companionship. With Madeline.