“The king is unbelievably strong,” Madeline said, giving him a secretive smile.

Nolan felt strong and as if he were thirty again, seeing appreciation and a yearning in Madeline’s gaze. He tried not to puff out his chest and flex, but it was hard to resist.

“Will it hurt you if he throws you?” Kiera asked.

“No, I don’t think so. I only … no one has thrown me since I was a child.” She looked vulnerable, beautiful, and as if she hadn’t played around like this in years. Why would she? Chad was grown, and she had no grandchildren like adorable Sunny to beg her to play. The highlight of Malik and Sophie’s visits for him.

“Well, it’s high time you were thrown, then,” Kiera said, sounding as mature as a twenty-year-old. “I saw how lovely you dove into the pool. So here’s what we’ll do.” She gestured to Madeline. “Come close, please.”

Nolan’s pulse sped up as Madeline pushed through the shallow water, her eyes fastened on him.

“Now Pops will bend low. You’ll stand on his legs, and you’ll crouch too, you see?” Kiera demonstrated. “Then Pops will wrap his hands around your bum and toss you into the air as you leap at the same time. Timing is crucial with tricks. Then you’ll dive into the water, and it won’t hurt one bit. All right then?” She nodded eagerly.

Nolan’s heart was thumping out of control, and Madeline’s eyes went wide.

“Um, not her bum, love,” Nolan said. “Maybe her legs.”

Kiera scrunched her nose and lifted her hands. “Whatever you think, Pops. You’re the expert thrower.”

“I am.” This time he puffed out his chest. Kiera laughed, while Madeline’s gaze seemed to grow hotter.

Kiera tugged Madeline close to him. Nolan squatted as instructed and then he had no option but to wrap his arms around Madeline’s waist and help her stand on his thighs. She squatted down close, and Nolan lost track of his thoughts. Madeline was pressed back into him, her hair tickling his nose and chin. All he wanted was to turn her to face him and see if kissing was included in their fake dating arrangement.

“All right, you can’t keep holding her stomach, Pops. You’ve got to grab her bum, or legs, or whatever.”

Nolan slid his hands from her waist down to her legs. He realized instantly he should’ve released her and repositioned his hands, but his excuse was he wanted to hold her steady. Running his hands from her waist, along her hips, and to her firm thighs did not make him steady at all. In fact, he felt lightheaded and not strong like Madeline and Kiera had both said he was.

“Okay,” Kiera called. “3 … 2 … 1!”

Nolan straightened and launched Madeline as instructed. Thankfully, he hadn’t failed in his duties, or Kiera would’ve reprimanded him.

Madeline straightened at the same time he did. She flew into the air, curved her body, and dove smoothly into the water. Absolutely breathtaking. She surfaced and wiped the water from her face. “Did I do all right?”

“All right?” Nolan asked. “That was incredible. You looked breathtaking. You should be a swim-diving model or a mermaid.”

Madeline smiled, and then she laughed.

“A swim-diving model? Pops, you’re acting really weird. Like my bros when they’re trying to get their wives to kiss them or something.”

Nolan met Madeline’s gaze, hope making him more lightheaded. He’d act weird if it would get Madeline to kiss him. “Sorry,” he managed. “But she did fabulous, right?”

“Yes! Chad’s mum is a beautiful mermaid. Now let’s play colors.”

Nolan and Madeline played the silly game, each choosing a color silently. The person on the diving board said different colors with their back turned and their eyes closed. When the right color was guessed, the swimmer had to stroke for the opposite end of the pool before they were caught and had to be ‘it.’

They played for at least an hour. Nolan finally had to break up the fun. “Bedtime, sweetie. Let’s walk Madeline to her room, then I’ll come read scriptures after you shower.”

“Plus songs and prayers,” she reminded him.

“Of course.”

They climbed out of the pool, dried off with the towels stacked on a side table, and walked out of the pool area. The luxurious spa was attached to the pool. The other half of the castle’s top level was the beautiful solarium full of flowers, greenery, and waterfalls. The solarium offered the most picturesque view of the valley. Could he bring Madeline up here alone sometime? It was a very romantic spot.

Walking along the hallway and down level after level of stairs, Kiera chattered about what a fantastic swimmer Chad’s mum was and how they should swim every night, and then she asked, “How long will you stay with us, Chad’s mum?”

Madeline looked to Nolan, and he wasn’t certain what answer would be appropriate. He was thrilled Kiera didn’t have an issue with him ‘dating.’ Kiera and Madeline’s interactions tonight had been ideal. With his daughter giving her approval of them dating he was ready to push ahead.

The problem he hadn’t foreseen, which he could blame on how invested he’d been in Madeline at the moment of asking her to pretend date him, was that Kiera would easily fall in love with Madeline as she had all of her sisters-in-law. Madeline leaving when she finished her assignment would be a hit for his daughter. It would be a hit to him too, but he was a grown man and would survive. Kiera didn’t need to love and lose someone again after losing her mum eighteen months ago. If only he could work into something more permanent with Madeline.