“Nolan.” Her voice was as soft as he’d ever heard it. Madeline was feminine, but she was a tough single mum and parliament member. “I already told you, the other members who volunteered will not be as open-minded and generous as I will be. They have each shown affiliations with William or Naomi Rindlesbacher in the past and they have, at times, been openly critical of you on the parliament floor and even with the media.”

He knew exactly who she was talking about—the brutish Albert Gustaff and slick, or more accurately slimy, George Monaco and a few of their associates. Those two were the ones most likely aiding and abetting and hoping to put Naomi on the throne. If he knew Naomi, this was only the beginning of some sadistic plan.

“So I either agree to have you by my side, or have somebody worse assigned?”

“I’m afraid so. Your favorite parliament member is the lesser of two evils.”

She was more than simply his favorite parliament member. “There is nothing evil about you, Madeline, but you do recognize how absurd and out of line this is.”

“I do. And I’m very sorry it’s come to this. You must know the majority of parliament is supportive of and grateful for you and all you do for Augustine. Unfortunately, the law states that if a member of parliament brings up a motion, another member seconds the motion, and the prime minister approves, the issue does not have to be taken to a vote.”

Nolan knew the law. He couldn’t understand why Carrera would support such a notion and blindside him with it. He wouldn’t take this lying down.

“Let’s work together, Nolan,” she said softly, his name on her lips almost distracting him from this insanity. “We’ll give them no opportunity for recourse.”

Let’s work together. And she’d said his name without his title in front of it. His chest warmed. He liked the sound of together with Madeline. If only she wasn’t here because someone, most likely Naomi, was trying to destroy him and usurp the crown.

When would the machinations of the Rindlesbachers ever end?

Chapter Three

After sorting through the king’s financial documents for an hour, Madeline could clearly see the personal accounts he’d used to purchase his vehicles and clothing and the fact that the vehicle and clothing allowances paid to him from the country’s coffers were untouched. She shouldn’t have been surprised to see that the king was wealthy beyond what she’d imagined. The man could buy a small country without exhausting his funds.

In the past hour, she’d been impressed with his self-restraint and quiet confidence. She’d also had far too many opportunities to brush his hand or lean close and smell his unique cedar and mint scent, almost as alluring as the man himself.

She wasn’t certain if this was the best assignment she’d ever had or the hardest. How was she supposed to maintain a personal distance? The prime minister had told her to expect to stay with the king for a few weeks. It was an odd assignment for a parliament member, but they’d all learned not to take Naomi Rindlesbacher for granted. A hint of her being associated with the revered king, even if it seemed ludicrous, had to be resolved.

She pushed send on her email to Prime Minister Carrera and parliament and leaned back in her chair. “Proving you’re insanely wealthy and bought that Lambo with your own money was the easy part.”

Over eight million dollars for a car. Insane. But she’d seen those videos of him climbing out of that car. He looked like a supermodel and the most powerful man in the world. Mesmerizing.

Nolan leaned in. “Are you saying spending untold hours by my side will be difficult for you?” His blue eyes sparkled at her, but there was an underlying question. Did she want to be by his side?

Madeline couldn’t reveal the truth. She’d be removed from this assignment if anyone caught a hint of her romantic interest in the king. She’d also be humiliated when he kindly told her he’d never move on from his idealistic wife’s memory. Queen Anne had been immortalized in everyone’s memory. Madeline had no desire to compete with a ghost.

“Very,” she said drily. “You thrive on teasing me, while I am stiff and serious at all times.”

He chuckled. “I’d believe that if you didn’t instigate the teasing, and if you weren’t Chad’s mum.”

“Our boys both know how to keep things light despite the heavy responsibilities they carry.”

They shared a look—pride and joy in their children. It was something she’d always wanted to share with someone. As her daughter-in-law’s parents had no part in Hope’s life, she hadn’t even had the opportunity to share that look with them. She did wear Lady Fit workout clothing any chance she got and bragged about Hope and Faith’s success. They both appeared to love that.

Nolan leaned back in his chair. His expression turned appraising. “So what next? Since we’re working together now. Team Nolan and Madeline.” He smiled at that, and she felt a flush of happiness. “How do we prove I loathe Naomi Rindlesbacher and wouldn’t help her if she had a pistol to my head?”

“Please don’t say that.” A bitter taste coated her mouth.

“What?” He straightened. “You don’t want to be a team?”

“I do want to be a team,” she admitted. “I can’t handle the image of Naomi with a pistol to your head. We both know she’d be thrilled to pull the trigger.”

Nolan shrugged, looking unconcerned. She supposed as king there’d been many times he’d had a figurative gun pointed at his head. Or a bomb. She flushed, grateful he’d been too gracious to ever bring up the humiliation of her having trusted Roger Pitcher. When his bomb attempt failed he’d gone after Hope and Faith. Her brief stint of dating that murderous jerk reaffirmed in her head even more that she was meant to be alone, and that she was right to turn down ninety percent of the dinner invites she received.

“Naomi is hiding in a hole somewhere,” Nolan said. “But you’re right; she isn’t to be underestimated. Are Gustaff and Monaco aiding her?”

“I pray not, but I wouldn’t put much past those two. How they got elected, I’ll never know.” She looked out at the beautiful summer day. “Do you ever get the chance to enjoy the outside air?”

He chuckled. “Not often enough. I hike most mornings with two guards in tow and most evenings I take Kiera on a walk through the gardens, or we swim on the top floor.”