Right now, she looked as off-kilter as he felt. No teasing quips were forthcoming.

“I’ve made you uncomfortable,” he said, studying her emerald green eyes. Had they always been so large and sparkled like the jewel they matched?

“Why would you make me uncomfortable? You’re only the king.” A hint of mirth mixed with a challenge came to her voice and her gaze. “I’m far too confident to ever be uncomfortable.”

“Yes, you are.” He smiled, grateful the Madeline he expected was back. His voice lowered to a husky timbre he didn’t think he’d ever used in his life. “Your confidence to easily banter with ‘only the king’ is as alluring as your lovely face.”

Then he blinked, shocked at his words and his tone. She blinked too, looking as stunned as he was.

They waltzed together in silence for a few rounds. He was hyperaware of her hand in his, her hand pulsing warmth through his shoulder muscles, his hand cupping her waist and hip. Had a woman’s touch ever been this all-consuming?

He startled. What kind of thought was that? He’d been married to the most incredible and appealing woman in his world.

His startle must’ve thrown Madeline back to reality. as she smirked and said, “Are you prepared for the traditional Christmas snowball fight?”

“Now, what tradition are you referring to?” He arched an eyebrow.

“The best one of the year.”

“Where my sons and their friends gang up on me and plaster me with snowballs?” He chuckled. “Definitely the best tradition of the year.”

“Agreed.” She winked at him. Winked. Madeline had never winked at him before and that enticing move made his stomach flip-flop. “Are you bruised from head to toe after?”

He chuckled and tried not to think about that wink, or her mesmerizing emerald eyes, or the feel of her in his arms. With a bit of pressure, he brought her closer. Her lovely eyes widened as his chest brushed hers, and then it was if their bodies were two magnets. He wasn’t certain who moved first, or if either of them had consciously moved. Similar to a flair move to complete a romantic dance, her body was pressed up against his, her arm slid around his neck, and his hand glided around to her lower back, his fingers and palm enjoying each inch of her firm waistline and lower back encased in silk.

“What was the question?” he asked, caught completely off guard by these strong feelings and how perfect she felt in his arms.

She laughed. A rich, warm laugh that vibrated through him. He laughed with her. It was the most freeing and delightful laughter. Their gazes were locked, and he felt her mirth was directed at both of them. They were acting like teenagers, and he couldn’t get enough of it.

The music stopped as the song ended. Their laughter died as well, and they stood far too close, staring at each other.

Madeline released his hand and her grip on his neck and eased back. Nolan had to consciously force his hand to slide from her lower back.

“Thank you for the dance,” she said in a breathless, enticing tone he’d never heard from the independent, tough, and sometimes intimidating member of parliament.

“It was my pleasure,” he said back, his voice so rough and husky he hardly recognized it.

She smiled and then whirled away. He watched her go. Her pale blue dress molded beautifully to her curves, and her blonde hair looked like silk.

“King Papa?” Sunny’s little voice came from knee level. “You can ask me if you may please have this dance now.”

Nolan chuckled, bent down, and replied, “Princess Sunny. May I please have the honor of this dance?”

As the affirmative answer came in her darling voice, he swooped the little angel into his arms. They swirled around the room, and he laughed and enjoyed every moment of the dance with his granddaughter. The only time he got distracted was when he caught Madeline watching him, smiling at him and Sunny. There was something different about her smile. She was as confused by their connection as he was.

It was best to put it all from his mind. He was not interested in dating or ‘moving on’ as everyone seemed to think he should be. The dance had been exhilarating and unexpected, but his plan was to focus on his growing family and his flourishing kingdom.

William and Treven Rindlesbacher were dead, and Naomi was in hiding. Guaranteed Naomi would recruit more loyal cronies and strike again. He needed no more stress in his life than was already heaped on his shoulders with the everyday responsibilities of running a kingdom, and learning how to navigate the process with a new prime minister to boot.

He was not interested in Madeline Prescott.

Not interested.

But for some reason, he couldn’t get her sparkling emerald eyes and the tingling feel of her out of his mind.

Chapter One

Seven Months Later