Tristan rubbed her arm with his hand and whispered, “Almost there. You’re doing amazing.”

“Thank you,” she whispered back into his neck.

“You see?” Ray said. “They can’t even get through this interview without getting lost in their own world.”

“I can see that.” Jessie grinned and winked. “We’re over our time slot, but I think the producers will forgive us. We are going to make time for a kiss for the lovebirds.”

Macey’s gut twisted uncomfortably as the studio audience cheered.

“Yes!” Tristan crowed as if kissing her was the only thing he wanted in this world. He turned her toward him, releasing his hold on her hand and cupping her jawline.

She looked into his eyes as if she loved him, and tried to imagine he was Ray. Tristan flashed a cocky grin and then bowed his head closer, and their lips met. She felt … lips. No sparks. No warmth. No tingles. No joy and love.

Tristan increased the pressure of the kiss and she forced herself to act like it was amazing. She wrapped both hands around his neck and kissed him back with a gusto she hoped didn’t look as fake as it felt.

“Okay, okay, you two. Wow! We are tragically out of time. You can kiss more in private.”

Tristan pulled back and grinned. “Don’t worry, we will.”

Everyone laughed, they said their goodbyes, and finally the cameraman signaled it was over.

Tristan lifted Macey to her feet and stood next to her. “You did amazing.”

She couldn’t resist looking at Ray. He looked like … a storm cloud.

“Amazing,” he repeated, quickly schooling his features. “Jensen had some information about … an issue at the university that I need to deal with. Can you get T safely back to his room?” he asked Macey, smiling as if he were teasing her.

“For sure. I can best the general in a fight. I’m sure there isn’t a threat out there as tough as you.”

His smile became genuine. “You can best me,” he said in a soft, husky voice that pulsed warmth through her.

“Ray …” Tristan’s voice was almost pleading.

Ray looked at his brother, and something passed between them. Then he shook his head sharply and murmured, “Good night,” before striding off.

She and Tristan both watched him go. They thanked James and then walked out of the library. Macey didn’t even want to explore the shelves or find a book. She wanted to chase Ray.

She’d go back to her room and study her scriptures, pray for guidance, and also in gratitude that she had gotten through the talk show. Hopefully she could sleep. Getting a good night’s rest was the best thing she could do.

“Do you care if we take the elevator?” Tristan asked. “I’m … drained.”

He looked it. Gone was the charming, handsome, self-assured crown prince of a few moments ago.


They walked slowly to the far end of the hall, Tristan’s footsteps and Macey’s heels tapping on the granite floor the only sounds.

The elevator was waiting. He gestured her inside. The doors closed, and he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

Macey studied her fake fiancé. “You all right?”

His eyes opened, and their blue was piercing. “Can you do something for me, Macey?”

“Sure.” Her mission was to protect and help this man, but nervousness spread through her. She hoped his request wasn’t anything too personal.

“Don’t give up on Ray.”

Her heart thudded out of control. She didn’t see how she and Ray would ever be together. He’d told the world tonight he’d never make a play for her. Those words felt like a vow, a promise to keep Ray out of her reach. Forever.