He studied her. “I am certain to Malik, Sophie is the most exquisite woman in the world. Personally, only you hold that title in my mind.”

Hope didn’t know how to respond. Her pulse raced and her stomach gave a happy lurch.

Chad smiled knowingly. He had her in his charming grasp, and he didn’t mind giving her a moment to breathe. “Faith.” He turned to her sister. “How was your first royal wedding?”

Faith had stars in her eyes. “It was incredible, fantastic, a true fairy tale. Princess Sophie is the luckiest woman in the world.”

Chad chuckled. Was it Hope’s imagination or did it sound strained? “Would you like to meet Malik and Sophie?”

“Yes, please!” Faith clapped her hands together, beaming at Chad.

Chad escorted them out into the aisle, saying hello to people but not stopping. Prince Malik, Princess Sophie, and Princess Sunny had progressed down the aisle. They waited for a few people to congratulate them, and then the royal bride and groom were standing in front of them. Hope’s palms were clammy.

“Chad!” Princess Sophie sounded delighted. “Thank you for being here.” She hugged him and then turned to Hope and Faith. “And who are these beautiful ladies?”

“This is my girlfriend, Hope Radisson, and her sister Faith. Hope and Faith, this is Malik and Sophie, and you already met the Princess Sunny.” Chad grinned.

“Girlfriend Hope?” Prince Malik lifted his eyebrows. “Congrats, my friend.” He and Chad clasped hands and slapped each other on the back.

“Congrats to you,” Chad returned. “I’m thrilled for both of you.”

“Thank you.” Princess Sophie acted as if he’d given them a great gift by being happy for them. It was impressive, as this was the only woman Hope had ever known Chad to be faithful to and invested in. When he and Sophie had dated, he’d still visited Hope and Faith in Wengen, but he hadn’t flirted or made advances on her. She’d hated it, though she’d never admit that to anyone.

“It’s wonderful to meet you both,” Prince Malik said, shaking each of their hands as he held Princess Sunny.

“You as well, Prince Malik,” Faith said, obviously enamored.

“Please stay for dinner and dancing,” Princess Sunny said.

They all grinned at that.

“We would be honored, Princess Sunny,” Chad said.

She nodded regally. A couple came up to the bride and groom, and Princess Sophie pressed Hope’s hand before turning away and said in an undertone, “It’s incredible to meet you, Hope. Chad deserves every happiness, and I can feel you adore him. He will be loyal to you.” She said the last sentence even quieter but with more meaning, as if she knew exactly what Hope was concerned about.

Hope’s eyes widened. She might have muttered a ‘nice to meet you,’ but she wasn’t certain. Princess Sophie had dated Chad and knew him well, and she was commending him and telling Hope that Chad deserved every happiness and she could feel that Hope adored him. Was Hope that transparent? Princess Sophie wouldn’t say Chad deserved every happiness and would be loyal if the man couldn’t be faithful. Would she? It made Hope feel like she and Chad might have a chance together.

Chapter Seven

After they met the bride and groom, Chad led Hope and Faith away from the crowd waiting to greet the happy couple. They spoke to more people as staff cleared the seats for the wedding. The large courtyard had many tables set up for dinner and heaters placed throughout the area.

The seats for dinner were preassigned. They sat with his mum and Roger, his close friend Chief Jensen and his beautiful girlfriend, the concert pianist Livvy Moser. Another police officer, a young man named Val, sat next to Faith. He teased and flirted with Faith throughout the meal. Faith seemed to enjoy it, but her gaze kept straying to a dark-haired, dark-eyed royal guard, tough and somehow resplendent in his dress uniform. Hope assumed the man was Captain Levi Favor.

The only thing that detracted from the unreal setting and delicious food was Chad shooting daggers at Roger whenever the man spoke. Chad controlled himself and was at least cordial. Hope and Madeline talked at length, and Madeline was an expert at drawing her out. By the end of the meal and the toasts, Madeline knew all about their business, Grace’s kidnapping and death, and though she didn’t share about her dad cheating, she shared about her mom leaving them as teenagers to live in Costa Rica and their dad disappearing not long after.

Madeline was gracious, intelligent, nurturing, and very interested in everything Hope had to say. Hope wanted to spend more time with the classy lady.

Roger was fine, mostly quiet. He seemed nervous, but who wouldn’t be with the tough and impressive Major Chad Prescott obviously wanting to shove the man away from his beloved mother?

The sun had disappeared behind the castle during dinner and the dancing started as it set. Hope shivered and for the first time regretted not bringing one of the wraps hanging in the closet. She’d been too excited about the dress and Chad seeing her in it. Not to mention being part of a royal wedding. The outdoor heaters helped keep the area warm but cold air still filtered through.

Music started, and the wedding party was directed to the dance floor. Faith had snuck away from their table and was lingering near Captain Levi, gazing up at the man with hero worship. The dark-haired guard appeared to be on duty. Hope could see his struggle from across the courtyard. He clearly wanted to talk to Faith but had to be vigilant in his duties.

The wedding dances began, and it was like having a front-row seat to the best theater performance in the world. Hope stood by Chad’s side to watch. His mum and Roger had wandered away to talk to somebody.

“Did you see where Faith went?” she asked, gesturing across the courtyard.

Chad shook his head and started toward them. “She won’t listen to me, but Captain Levi will.”