Ray shook his head and said solemnly, “You can’t chase Macey, so don’t even think about it.”

Jensen chuckled and bowed slightly. “Forgive me. The most beautiful and talented woman in the kingdom to me.”

“Yes!” Macey did a fist pump. “You finally fell in love. Who is she? When can I meet her? Why aren’t you dancing with her? Is she outside the gates?” She peered through the gates, but sadly for Macey’s curiosity and Jensen’s peace of mind, Livvy wasn’t standing there waiting for him. Where had she gone?

“Give me a few minutes to make certain she returns my feelings.” He winked at Macey, afraid it would take much more than a few minutes. He’d been patiently waiting for Livvy for years. Would he be old and gray before she was finally free of Treven? “I need to find her.”

“Go.” Macey pushed at him, clearly sensing his urgency.

Ray eased closer before Jensen could walk away. Ray didn’t usually get … close. “Jennifer Shule is back and waiting in T’s suite for him. She has news about the prime minister. Answer your phone, even if you’re kissing this perfect woman.” He looked Jensen over with a hint of a smile. “Livvy Moser?”

Jensen nodded, reeling and stunned by the info dump. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be kissing Livvy. He’d be lucky to get her to dance with him—if he could find her before Tristan and Ray needed him.

Jennifer Shule was back. It couldn’t be coincidence that she arrived on the same day her father Prime Minister Shule had disappeared.

Jensen had a bad feeling about this.

Rindlesbachers. He wanted to growl the name. Or use it as a curse word. Treven and William’s devious schemes had resulted in Jensen compromising his unflinching moral compass to protect Hattie Ballard, now Princess Hattie August. He loathed them and all they’d done to the August family and Livvy, those he cared about the most. Those conniving and sadly brilliant people couldn’t terrify Livvy—not again—and they wouldn’t hurt the royal family. Not on his watch.

He turned his phone ringer back on, nodded to Ray, saluted Macey, and hurried through the gates. Livvy was nowhere to be seen. The evening shadows were long. The shuttles weren’t running yet, as who would want to leave a royal wedding party early? Apparently Livvy would. Unless he’d missed her and she was somewhere in the wedding crowd. Maybe she was in the restroom?

He said a quick prayer and then instinctively started jogging down the road that curved outside the castle and down to the village. He’d only gone a hundred feet when he saw her long dark hair and the beautiful floral dress that showed off her smooth curves.

“Livvy,” he called, whispering a prayer of gratitude. He’d found her.

She whirled to face him.

Jensen jogged the rest of the distance to her. Her dark gaze didn’t look happy to see him, ready to flirt and tease like she had earlier. She looked … upset.

“What happened?” he demanded. The words came out a little too chief of police-y. Definitely not romantic like he wanted to be. Who was he kidding? He didn’t know romance.

“Nothing,” she said, her expression closed off. “I need to get home.”

Jensen eased closer, studying her. “Livvy.” He softened his voice. “Something or someone has upset you. What can I do to help?”

She stared at him, her lips pressed into a thin line. “Ramone. He said I needed to be ready to be Treven’s bride.” She visibly shuddered.

Jensen’s eyes widened. Treven wasn’t getting out of his prison and making Livvy his bride. It was ludicrous. But no wonder she was upset. What a creepy thing to say. He needed to question her and Ramone further. There were procedures to follow, a police report to file. Procedures were clear in this case, starting with bringing in one of his detectives to corroborate everything.

Instead, he did something the opposite of his usual instincts. He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her.

Livvy froze for half a second. Then she quivered, leaned into him, and let him hold her. Jensen cradled her against his chest, savoring this connection to her. She slipped her arms around his back and held on. The sensation was beautiful and spoke of a lasting commitment. He hoped she could feel that he would protect her, fight for her, right her every wrong.

As quickly as she’d cuddled into him, she released him and stepped back. “I need to go.”

“Go?” he asked stupidly. “Where?”

“Home.” She folded her arms across her abdomen and hugged herself.

“I’ll accompany you.”

“I’m fine. It was weird what he said, but you’re needed here at the wedding. Treven is in prison and his parents are gone from Augustine. Correct?” She pulled the edge of her bottom lip between her teeth. The move was so enticing it was hard for Jensen to focus.

“Yes,” he managed. “His parents are running scared, and no way is Treven escaping from my prison.”

Yet he had this ugly knot in his gut. Something was coming. Something wasn’t right. He had to be on his toes every second, and he didn’t want Livvy going home alone.

“I’ll be fine then,” she said. “Ramone was just being … his weird self.”