“I guess she could be behind the notes, but her background is squeaky clean. She adores Kiera, and she’s usually at the castle, not in the village.”

Macey paced a bit, enjoying moving and talking to him. “Her boyfriend … the kid who keeps trying to climb up to the castle.”

“Jobe. Kind of an idiot, but I think he’s just a hormonal teenager. I’ll have my men keep an eye on him though.”

“Okay. Chad.”

He reared back and then folded his arms across his chest. “You found something on Chad?”

“No, but he’s so … smooth, too-charming, with almost a villain accent.”

He laughed at that and then passed a hand over his face. “I won’t tell him that.”

“Thanks.” She smiled, then sighed. “There really isn’t much to go on.” She needed to ask about a couple of his brothers, but she was putting it off, had been since she’d come. So she went with the other interesting tidbit. “Did you know your mom and Prime Minister Shule dated in college?”

“How did your analysis find that?” he asked, looking more amused than impressed.

“It finds everything.” She shrugged.

“I’ve heard that story before. That’s how Henry met Leslie. She and my mum were roommates. Do you think it means anything?”

“Do you?” she asked. She had no idea, but it was a point of interest, at least.

“My parents and Henry and Leslie all have—or had,” his mouth twisted, “happy marriages. I don’t think a few dates at university could affect the case.”

He was probably right. “What happened to the prime minister’s daughter—Jennifer? My info shows she left to teach English in the Dominican Republic the day your mom died.”

“Is that all it shows?” His gaze was intense.

“She dated Tristan?”

He nodded and shrugged. “I think they had a fight or something.” He rubbed at his jaw and then clenched his fist and thrummed it against his leg. “It’s one of the few times T hasn’t shared with me. He kept insisting they just ‘needed a break’ and with mum dying, I didn’t dig into it.”

“Nobody found her and questioned her about your mom’s death?”

“Jensen did a phone interview. I can find it for you.” He sank into his chair. “I can’t see any motivation or evil intent from Jennifer. She’s a sunshine and serve others type of girl. I really wish she and T …” He trailed off and studied the computer.

Macey waited a few beats, studying his tense shoulders and the way his fists were clenched. He simply stared at the laptop, not typing anything. “Ray …”

“Yeah?” He looked up. His blue eyes were intense and stressed.

“… Are you okay?”

He shook his head, blew out a breath and stood, pacing in front of the windows. Instead of staring at the gorgeous view, he studied the array of monitors covering the perpendicular wall, each with a different camera angle of the castle. The exterior entrances, hallways, and large gathering areas were always on display, but the other areas rotated through or flashed up on designated screens if there was movement in that location. The security offices on the main floor had a similar setup.

Macey stood still, not sure if his pacing and angst were about her or about the case. The case was frustrating. There was no information to go on. Literally nothing. She could see why Ray had agreed to let her come and help. What if she wasn’t any help? That made her feel cold and try to push her glasses back onto her nose.

She was beginning to rule out her theory of Ray and his people not being good investigators. His mom had either died by suicide, or her murderer was brilliant and/or somebody nobody would suspect. Which was why the red flags she’d found, but hadn’t revealed to him yet, were disturbing. What if she had found something and it pointed straight at one of Ray’s brothers?

Ray’s eyes narrowed in on her. His blue gaze was suddenly very warm and very determined. He strode up to her, and Macey was pinned between him and the desk. She didn’t mind. Not at all. Would he kiss her again?

“How many of Sutton’s operatives did you date?” he asked.

“Excuse me?” Macey was befuddled. What did that have to do with anything?

He drew in and then pushed out a breath, his gaze boring into her. “You were telling my dad about all the men you’d worked with for Sutton. I’m sure they badgered you for dates constantly. Did you, or are you currently, dating any of them seriously?”

“Oh.” Well, this was awkward. She wondered how to explain. Would he find her less attractive when he realized her confidence around him and putting on makeup and pretty clothes was the act? He’d realize her saying she was a geek at the press conference wasn’t a joke. Truthfully, she was confident with Ray by her side—unless she was trying to explain why she didn’t date. “Um …”