He felt another pang for Henry. When Jennifer had said her dad was gone, did she mean kidnapped? He hoped not. Gone could mean he was chasing after Leslie and had a lead that was more important than appearing at the wedding.

Dang having to stand here and socialize when he needed to move, help Henry and Jennifer, look into her deep-brown eyes and see if she still loved him. How could they lose a love as deep as theirs had been?

“I’ll wait for you to plan a time with your father at your earliest convenience.” The words were respectful, but Philippe’s eyes pleaded to make it a very early convenience.

With all that was going on, Tristan wasn’t certain how searching for an elusive ‘cure’ could be a top priority for him or his father.

“Thank you. I’ll speak with him.” Tristan would speak with his father and try to make the treasure hunt happen for Philippe, Curt, and Aliya’s sakes, but they’d all agree that rescuing Henry and Leslie and reuniting with Jennifer took precedence. Well, maybe nobody else would see hours of uninterrupted talking and kissing as of utmost importance. All that mattered was that Jennifer agreed. After her parents were safe and the Rindlesbachers were arrested.

Philippe seemed reluctant to move on, but suddenly he straightened and saluted crisply. “General August, sir.” His voice went military stiff as Tristan’s twin approached.

“Lieutenant General Cordon.” Ray dipped his head deferentially. “All is well with security for the wedding?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Thank you. I appreciate your diligence.” Ray gave a half of a smile. Only Macey and Kiera got full smiles out of him, but sometimes Malik could make him laugh. “If you’ll pardon us, I need a word with my twin.”

“Of course, sir.”

Ray edged in and directed Tristan away from the crowd, close to a water feature that would mask their voices. His too-serious twin maintained his partial smile. The press would be snapping photos the entire night. Another reason Tristan shouldn’t be sneaking away, but he needed to be with Jennifer and try to help her.

“Jennifer’s still here?” Ray murmured, his eyes on Macey chatting with Steffan and Hattie.

“We have to keep it quiet,” Tristan said, taking a sip of his drink. “She was scared, Ray.”

“If William has her mum and now her dad’s disappeared, I can imagine she’d be terrified. I can’t believe Henry slipped away from my men. Stupid of him.”

“I’m sure William, or whoever he was meeting with, demanded it. You’ve got men searching?”

Ray nodded. “Through the entire country and the surrounding mountains. Every man I could spare who wasn’t here at the wedding, on border patrol, or guarding the military facility. Jensen and his people are helping as well.”

“Thank you. I’m planning to slip away as soon as the dancing gets going and return before the big sendoff. Hopefully I’ll have some answers from Jenn and we can hash it out privately after the wedding.”

“Okay. Where is she?”

“In my suite.”

Ray’s eyebrows rose, but in typical Ray fashion, he said nothing about it.

The music changed from soft and in the background to louder and with a fun beat. The DJ announced the bride and groom would be ‘performing’ with Princess Kiera. Oh, boy. American Ninja Warrior and parkour moves in a wedding dress, tux, and bridesmaid dress. That should be interesting.

“Be safe,” Ray cautioned, leaning close so he could be heard over the music. “I know you loved her once, but she may be working with her dad and Rindlesbacher to take down you and Dad.”

“She wouldn’t do that,” Tristan protested.

Ray only shrugged. “I’m not saying Jenn could be a traitor, but she won’t be thinking straight. She’s emotional and worried about her parents. Think how you’d act if Mum had been kidnapped by Rindlesbacher. Just be careful.”

“I will,” Tristan promised. Ray was right. If their beloved mother had been in William’s power, they’d all be going insane. It would almost be worse than her dying, not knowing where she was but knowing she was being mistreated, belittled, and William would kill her when she no longer furthered his diabolical plans.

Ray nodded and strode to his wife’s side. Macey was clapping her hands to the beat and cheering for Derek, Ellery, and Kiera’s ‘dance.’ Tricks, flips, and showing-off craziness was a better description.

Everyone went crazy as they finished, cheering and clapping. The bride and groom dance was next. After Derek danced with Ellery’s mum and Ellery with his dad, Tristan could probably safely slip away for a couple hours and come back for the eight forty-five p.m. planned cutting of the cake and send off of the bride and groom.

Tristan slowly made his way toward the closest entrance to the castle. He was so distracted thinking of Jennifer waiting for him that he didn’t notice until too late the swarm of at least ten young ladies hedging off his exit. They didn’t draw his attention until the first one, a blonde, wrapped her hand around his arm and cooed, “May I please have the first dance?”

Tristan kept the smile on his face as his gaze darted around. Who invited this many single women? He was not only the last single prince but the crown prince, and despite a couple of them flinching when their eyes traveled over his mottled skin, they were all obviously interested.

“While that would be an incredible honor,” Tristan said smoothly, “I must excuse myself …”