“Are you proposing to be Sunny’s dad or my husband?” Sophie asked, putting her hands on her hips.

“Neither,” Malik said with a smirk.

They both gasped.

“Yet.” Malik wrapped his arm around her waist. “When I propose, it will be so romantic, so charming, you won’t know what hit you.”

“It had better be,” she sassed him.

He winked, and she knew any kind of proposal from him would be romantic and charming.

“Prince Malik,” Sunny cried. “I drew you a picture.” She scrambled out of his arms and toward the kitchen where her picture was on the table.

“You’ve got less than ten seconds,” Sophie teased quietly and tilted her face up. “Well, then. What are you waiting for?”

“What indeed?” He grinned, and then he captured her mouth with his.

The kiss wasn’t nearly long enough, as Sunny’s footsteps approached much too quickly, but it was a beautiful promise of much, much more to come.

A future of happiness and love that Sophie hadn’t believed would ever come true.

“Prince Malik! Mum!” Sunny’s voice pulled them apart.

Malik flashed Sophie a grin. “’Til bedtime,” he whispered in her ear.

Sophie flushed with warmth and anticipation. Bedtime would come, they’d be alone, and then she could kiss him as long as she wanted.

Which might not be possible. She couldn’t imagine ever getting enough of Malik’s kisses, and more importantly his love.

Thank you for reading Malik and Sophie’s sweet second-chance romance, with a tiny bit of suspense ;).

I know you’re all ready for justice to be served with the scheming Rindlesbachers. I promise it is coming!

Please read on for Tristan and Jennifer’s story, The Crown Prince and the Traitor.

Hugs and thanks for reading,


The Crown Prince and the Traitor

Books and Characters of Augustine

There are a lot of different characters coming into these stories. I hope it helps to have the couples listed with their books and their status as a couple.

I hope you enjoy the book!



Sweet Royal Romance Suspense Series:

#1 - The General Prince and the Nerd - General Prince Raymond August and Macey Clifton - Recently married in a quiet ceremony at the castle that was interrupted by the prime minister coming after Hattie Ballard.

#2 - The Brave Prince and the Teacher - Prince Curtis August and Aliya Drummond - Married in their cabin in the mountains

#3 - The Doctor Prince and the Outsider - Doctor Prince Steffan August and Hattie Ballard - Eloped in a remote village