“It would be an honor to hold a princess as beautiful as you.” He took Sunny from her arms, his fingers brushing Sophie’s skin and making her tingle. Someday soon, could she be in his arms again? Was the nightmare with William and Treven and Naomi truly over? “Beautiful like her mum,” Malik said in a quiet voice meant for only her ears.

It appeared that Chad had overheard. He wrapped his arm around Sophie’s waist and murmured in her other ear, “You were very brave.”

Sophie smiled her thanks. She needed a private conversation with Chad, then a more private conversation with Malik.

Mason walked up to them. “Lieutenant General Cordon is on his way, sir,” he said to Tristan. As the crown prince, he trumped Chad. “He’s bringing a team that will stay and diffuse the bomb in the house and a couple extra birds to fly us all home. And the prisoners.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant.” Tristan said. “For everything.”

The young man nodded respectfully. Seeing his battered face made Sophie wince.

“You got some bad ouchies,” Sunny told him, leaning her head against Malik’s shoulder.

“I earned them, little princess.”

“I’m sorry about your ouchies, but I’m glad you noticed that I am a princess.”

Tristan arched his eyebrows as everybody laughed.

Malik looked at Sophie. She wanted to shift away from Chad and beg Malik to make Sophie and Sunny his princess and his daughter respectively. She was racing fast, much faster than he probably wanted. She’d loved him for so long, and he’d said she still had his heart. Had that been only to make her laugh and distract her from the danger they were in, or had he meant it?

“Where is William?” Tristan asked.

Mason shifted and looked down. “I apologize sir, but in the chaos of figuring out how to disable the timer, and with the darkness … he and one of his men escaped.”

Sophie wilted, and Chad was there to keep her from falling to the ground.

Escaped. William Rindlesbacher had escaped.

Would the nightmare and that man’s schemes ever end?

Chapter Fourteen

Malik held Sunny as they loaded into the helicopters Phillip had brought. It was a relief to let Lieutenant General Cordon take over the situation and an even bigger relief that Sophie stayed right by his side and Chad had to fly the Blackhawk back to Augustine. Sunny fell asleep on the flight. He was glad she could sleep. She was the only one who’d gotten any sleep last night.

Their worn out and bedraggled group descended on the castle before the sun rose. He disembarked with Sophie, her parents, Tristan, and Derek. They yelled their thanks to each of the royal guards. Malik caught Mason’s eye and grinned at the kid. The young soldier and Captain Levi were both to be commended, rewarded, and promoted. He knew Ray would agree.

It was also impressive that Phillip and Chad had kept Ray out of the loop on this crazy night and able to enjoy his honeymoon. Chad really had saved them. Malik would be happy to give the man any reward—except for Sophie’s time and attention.

They walked toward the castle. T held the rear door that led into the garage, and they all walked in. Malik’s brain was spinning with ways to keep Sophie here. It wouldn’t be out of line to offer them suites to rest in, have them stay for a few days to recuperate, and to make certain William or Naomi didn’t come after them again.

William was likely long gone. Malik would rather have him in prison next to his son where he belonged, but maybe some peace could be restored to the kingdom with the man finally being the one running. William’s schemes and lies could finally be revealed and his plots unraveled. Malik wanted to make sure Interpol cleared Hattie’s name and then the castle’s social media specialist was given whatever she could use to shout far and wide who the real murderer was. Did that mean Steffan and Hattie could come home?

Chad jogged into the garage behind them, and they all turned to face him.

“What’s going on?” Derek asked.

“The lieutenant general has enough men and pilots to escort the prisoners. I’m instructed to take Sophie and the Pedersons home and meet up with Jensen’s men, who will sweep both of your homes and stand guard until we are certain William is no longer a threat to any of you.”

His green eyes sparkled too happily for Malik’s state of mind. Had Chad convinced Phillip to give him that assignment? Malik was a prince. Could he override the military? Where was Ray when he needed him?

“Thank you, Major Prescott,” Hans said. “Sleeping in my own bed sounds incredible.”

“I live to serve, sir,” Chad said, all suave and smooth as ever. Dang him. “T, do you mind if I take one of the SUVs?”

Tristan cast a glance at Malik. His brother would be on his side if Malik pleaded to drive Sophie home himself, but what could Malik say that wouldn’t look petty and underhanded? The Pedersons were exhausted. They all were. Maybe it was better that Sophie go home and rest and Malik could … go visit, call and ask her on a formal date, beg her not to shatter the heart she’d stolen from him again. But what if she was with Chad? Could Malik be the bigger man and give up the love of his life a second time? It would destroy him.

“No, that’s fine.” Tristan gave Malik a compassionate look. They all knew the famed charm of Major Chad Prescott. Even the Charming Prince would struggle to best Chad for a woman’s affection. But Sophie wasn’t just any woman. She was the most important woman in the world. Did Chad feel for her as deeply as Malik did? Did she feel as deeply for Chad? He couldn’t push her to decide right now—she was overwhelmed and exhausted—but it was rough not to fight for her like he should have six years ago.