He nodded and led her away from the helicopter and around to the front of the house. The lights revealed some royal guards and Mason rounding up and watching over the black-clothed mercenaries on the landscaped front yard. Most looked injured, some dead.

She glanced back at the house, nerves tingling as she expected it to blow at any moment. But Chad wouldn’t have set down if they were in danger. Right?

Coming from the path that led around the mountain toward the town, Prince Tristan was carrying her girl, her mum and dad at his side.

The helicopter rotors shut down.

“Did they disarm the bomb?” she asked Malik, not wanting Sunny to come any closer if they hadn’t.

“Lieutenant Mason?” Malik called. “The bomb?”

“I disabled the timer,” Mason responded.

“What a guy.” Sophie felt the rush of relief and needed to get to her daughter. “Sunny!” She took off at a run, Malik by her side. They reached her family, and she wanted her daughter in her arms.

“Mummy.” Sunny held tight to Tristan, not reaching for her. “This handsome prince is Prince Malik’s brother. He has an ouchie on his face, but he’s so very charming.” She fluttered her eyelashes at the crown prince.

“Oh, my.” Sophie laughed, relief and joy making her weak. “My girl is such a flirt.”

“She’s incredible,” Tristan said.

“Come give your mum a hug.”

“If I must.” Sunny launched at her.

Sophie held her close, checking for anything amiss, but she was perfect as ever. Malik and Tristan were talking in low tones. Her parents were simply holding on to each other. Tonight had been quite the ordeal.

Tears stung her eyes. Her girl was safe. Malik was safe. Her parents were safe. They were all safe.

What a miracle.

Speaking of miracles…

“Wait a minute.” Sophie looked from Malik to Tristan. “You’re here. You’re all right. Are the king and the prime minister all right?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Tristan nodded. “This guy was the hero and saved us all.” He put Malik in a head lock and rubbed his knuckles across the top of his head as if they were ten years old.

Sophie laughed. She wanted to gush about what a hero Malik was too.

Malik punched his brother in the gut and dodged out of his grip.

“Ooh. Nice move.” Tristan rubbed his abdomen.

“What’s all this talk about heroes?” Chad’s voice came from behind them. “I’m the only hero around here.”

“The guy can fly a helicopter, so he’s made himself completely invaluable.” Tristan’s voice was full of sarcasm, and he winked at Sophie before he turned back to Chad. “Seriously, my friend, I hope you have room on your uniform for yet another medal. Thank you.”

Chad and Tristan embraced quickly, then Chad came close to her side. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, thank you. I’m very grateful to you and Malik for rescuing us from the house. Thank heavens it didn’t blow.”

“For sure.”

“Prince Malik?” Sunny sounded chipper and happy as could be. Oblivious to everything that happened tonight. That was another miracle in Sophie’s mind.

“Yes, Princess Sunny?”

She giggled. “Can you hold me? My mum might be getting too tired.”